FlowForma Case Studies Social Services Enhanced By Digital Workflow
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Social Services Enhanced By Digital Workflow

Analytics & Modeling - Real Time Analytics
Platform as a Service (PaaS) - Application Development Platforms
Cities & Municipalities
Healthcare & Hospitals
Business Operation
Human Resources
Predictive Quality Analytics
Process Control & Optimization
Cloud Planning, Design & Implementation Services
Data Science Services
Tui Ora, the largest community-based health and social services provider in the Taranaki region of New Zealand, was struggling with inefficient paper-based processes and complex SharePoint workflows. The organization's services are all referral-based, with initial patient information coming from various sources. However, the existing system was complex, expensive to maintain, and lacked visibility, preventing continuous improvement. The organization was under pressure to make every dollar count and find new ways to save time and money. The ICT team identified that improving the way processes and paperwork passed through the organization would be one way to increase efficiencies.
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Tui Ora is the largest community-based health and social services provider in the Taranaki region of New Zealand’s north island west coast. The organization works to improve health, wellness, and quality of life for the local population, including Maori people who have lived in the area for centuries. As a nonprofit organization, Tui Ora runs more than 35 services and programmes on a tight budget. The organization is constantly under pressure to make every dollar count and find new ways to save time and money. Tui Ora services are all referral-based with initial patient information funneled from various sources such as GPs, self-referral, or any social service organization to a central team who direct people through to appropriate points of care.
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Tui Ora chose the FlowForma Process Automation tool to improve and validate its work with the local community. The tool is a 'no-code' application that sits on top of SharePoint, making it easy to use and deploy. Five of the team took the SureStart course, FlowForma’s onboarding programme, during which they built their first process. The referral process was chosen as the first to be improved because it is the most complicated and critical workflow. The FlowForma Process Automation tool’s ability to administer security over all its processes was key to ensuring the privacy of sensitive personal data. Over the next four months, a further 11 processes were reviewed, consolidated, and migrated across. The application’s ease of use was key to how quickly it was deployed and adopted.
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The FlowForma Process Automation tool now provides Tui Ora employees with greater visibility of where a process lies, while adhering to the security and data protection protocols Tui Ora works within.
Delays can now be easily reported on and root causes identified, improving overall efficiencies across the business.
In addition to the knowledge that data is secure and traceable, saving time and money has been a key benefit from the investment by Tui Ora in the FlowForma Process Automation tool.
Time saved around workflows means less people are needed to run them. In one case, two members of the admin team were reallocated to more important client-facing roles.
The risk of information being left incomplete in paper trails has been removed by automated workflows with fields that have to be completed.
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