Case Studies SKYFALL 007 Art DepArtment uses Vectorworks For BonD sets
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SKYFALL 007 Art DepArtment uses Vectorworks For BonD sets

Functional Applications - Computerized Maintenance Management Systems (CMMS)
Functional Applications - Product Lifecycle Management Systems (PLM)
Functional Applications - Remote Monitoring & Control Systems
Product Research & Development
Quality Assurance
Digital Twin
Predictive Maintenance
Remote Collaboration
Software Design & Engineering Services
System Integration
The production of SKYFALL required the creation of diverse and intricate sets that ranged from modern skyscrapers in Shanghai to the historic Grand Bazaar in Istanbul, and the ancestral home of James Bond in the Scottish countryside. Each set had unique challenges, such as achieving correct camera perspectives, handling tight deadlines, and accommodating special effects. The Shanghai Tower set needed to be built quickly and accurately, while the London Underground set required precise handling of curves. The Istanbul scenes demanded the creation of natural-looking obstacles for a high-speed motorbike chase, and the Skyfall Lodge set required detailed plans to accommodate special effects and continuity issues.
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The customer in this case study is the production team behind the James Bond film SKYFALL, which premiered in October 2012 and achieved significant box office success. The team included production designer Dennis Gassner, assistant art director Andrew Bennett, art director Neal Callow, and art director Dean Clegg. They were responsible for designing and constructing various sets for the film, ranging from modern skyscrapers in Shanghai to historic locations in Istanbul and the Scottish countryside. The team faced numerous challenges, including tight deadlines, budget constraints, and the need to accommodate special effects. They relied heavily on Vectorworks software to create detailed and accurate designs, communicate effectively with an internationally dispersed team, and ensure the sets met the director's and designer's requirements.
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The production team used Vectorworks Designer with Renderworks software to create detailed and accurate designs for the various sets in SKYFALL. Andrew Bennett used the software to model the Shanghai Tower set, produce elevation plans, and build in the detail. The software's Scale Objects command helped achieve correct camera perspectives, and the ability to quickly adjust room sizes was crucial for meeting the director's and designer's requirements. Neal Callow used Vectorworks software to create obstacles and ramps for the motorbike chase scene in Istanbul, ensuring they appeared as natural parts of the environment. He relied on the software's drawing and scaling features, hatching, text tool, and import command to meet tight deadlines and budget constraints. Dean Clegg used Vectorworks software to design and document the Skyfall Lodge set, accommodating special effects and ensuring continuity. The software allowed him to quickly put together blast layout schematics, share them with the production team, and make necessary alterations. The ability to transfer files among departments and use viewports to organize designs was also beneficial.
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The use of Vectorworks software allowed the production team to create detailed and accurate designs quickly, saving time and reducing the risk of production issues.
The software's ability to handle curves and adjust room sizes helped achieve correct camera perspectives and meet the director's and designer's requirements.
The ability to transfer files among departments and use viewports to organize designs improved communication and collaboration within the team.
The Shanghai Tower set was modeled and transferred to the construction department in just four days.
The production team was able to quickly adjust room sizes and achieve correct camera perspectives, saving time and reducing the risk of production issues.
The ability to transfer files among departments and use viewports to organize designs improved communication and collaboration, reducing the risk of miscommunication and errors.
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