Case Studies Simplified Infrastructure and Expanded Services with A10 Networks
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Simplified Infrastructure and Expanded Services with A10 Networks

Functional Applications - Remote Monitoring & Control Systems
Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) - Cloud Storage Services
Networks & Connectivity - Network Management & Analysis Software
Business Operation
Facility Management
Remote Asset Management
Software Design & Engineering Services
System Integration
Due to the growing demand for online services in Norway and Sweden, Schibsted IT needed a new generation server load balancer to support high-volume traffic, with a scalable platform and advanced software features.’s online classified service has a total of 150 servers, and maintaining the environment became very demanding, creating many technical challenges. needed a highly scalable platform that could provide Layer 7 application load balancing with multi-gigabit-per-second bandwidth. In addition to standard features, the new server load balancer also needed to have a rich set of advanced features, such as HTTP rewrite, SSL acceleration and IPv6 support. As their existing load balancing equipment did not meet their new requirements, the management team began intensive research comparing the offerings from different vendors. In 2008, the network department of Schibsted IT first heard about A10 Networks at a conference in California. Even though A10 Networks was not represented in Europe at that time, Schibsted IT kept an eye on the company, sensing a potential match.
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Oslo-based Schibsted IT, formerly known as Media Norge IT, has approximately 60 employees dedicated to providing IT services to a number of Schibsted Media subsidiaries. Schibsted Media Group is listed on the Oslo Stock Exchange (SCH) and has operations in 25 countries, with services in the fields of newspaper, television, film, publishing, multimedia and mobile solutions. Schibsted owns many major newspapers and dailies in Norway and Sweden, such as VG, Aftenposten, Aftonbladet and Svenska Dagbladet. Schibsted is ranked third in online classified business worldwide, just behind eBay and Craigslist. Revenues from its classified business increased to $245 million during the first six months of 2010. The organization has two main objectives, which include further development of the media houses and establishment of online classified services., a subsidiary of the Schibsted Media Group, is Norway’s largest online classified website. Schibsted IT hosts and manages, and many other Internet content providers in Norway, servicing an average of 30 million hits per day. Furthermore, the Schibsted IT division provides IT services to approximately 3,700 out of the 7,200 employees in Schibsted’s workforce.
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A10 Networks recommended deploying a pair of 64-bit A10 ADC models in Schibsted’s data center. The A10 ADC has an innovative shared-memory and multi-core, multi-CPU Advanced Core Operating System (ACOS) architecture with 10-Gb ports. Since August 2011, Schibsted IT has been using the A10 ADC as a core component of In setting up the network infrastructure for’s online classified service, Schibsted IT used HTTP server load balancing, cookie persistence, SSL acceleration and header inserts. In the near future, Schibsted IT plans to implement advanced URL switching and provide IPv6 support for the domain. In addition, a second cluster of A10 ADC load balancers will be deployed in the core of the newspaper web farm, which hosts a number of major Norwegian newspapers. Schibsted’s web farms are mostly Linux-based, with a mix of commercial and open source software. A10 Networks’ products are a strong part of this network and routing infrastructure. “For us, the cooperation with A10 Networks will lead to a long-term relationship,” Andreassen says.
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The deployment of the A10 ADC simplified Schibsted IT’s infrastructure tremendously, while simultaneously enabling the firm to deploy features that help support Finn’s growing traffic and expanding services.
The system administrators now enjoy a tidy, clean environment with 100% stability.
The A10 ADCs’ performance is remarkable, delivering headroom to double Schibsted’s network traffic.
In one year, the site’s traffic increased approximately 30%.
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