Case Studies Simon & Schuster Doubles Efficiency with Voxware-Powered Voice Solution
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Simon & Schuster Doubles Efficiency with Voxware-Powered Voice Solution

Functional Applications - Remote Monitoring & Control Systems
Functional Applications - Warehouse Management Systems (WMS)
Networks & Connectivity - Bluetooth
Consumer Goods
Logistics & Transportation
Warehouse & Inventory Management
Inventory Management
Predictive Maintenance
Warehouse Automation
System Integration
Simon & Schuster faced significant challenges in their distribution operations, particularly in the order picking process. The company needed to ensure that products were moved through the building and out the door accurately and quickly to meet high standards of excellence. The existing system required improvements to handle the high volume of orders, especially during peak periods, and to maintain accuracy. Additionally, the company aimed to eliminate non-value-added processes and reduce reliance on temporary workers, which posed management challenges and potential accuracy issues.
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Simon & Schuster, a division of CBS, is a major player in the consumer book market, shipping 150 million books annually. The company operates a large distribution center in Riverside, NJ, where 225 employees work to fulfill orders for both brick-and-mortar stores and online retailers. The distribution operation is critical to the company's success, requiring high standards of accuracy and efficiency to meet customer demands. Simon & Schuster is committed to continuous improvement and regularly surveys the industry to adopt new technologies that can enhance their operations.
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Simon & Schuster implemented a voice recognition system powered by Voxware, delivered by AL Systems, to enhance their order picking process. The system uses a 'bucket brigade' or pick-and-pass workflow, where workers use voice commands to build a 'train' of cartons, pick individual books, and place them into specific cartons as directed by the voice system. This approach allows workers to handle up to 10 cartons at a time, significantly increasing productivity. The solution also includes Honeywell HX3 rugged wearable computers with integrated ring scanners, which are used to verify the correct placement of books and ensure accuracy. The voice system has been integrated with AL Systems DynaPro WCS and Manhattan Associates WMS to streamline operations further.
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The implementation of the voice recognition system allowed Simon & Schuster to consolidate their operations into a single facility in Riverside, eliminating the need for a second warehouse and reducing operating costs.
The voice system has enabled better forecasting and planning, allowing management to organize work against deadlines with high confidence in achieving the required pick rates.
The company has eliminated the need for 50 temporary workers during peak periods, maintaining high quality and saving additional costs.
ROI achieved in under 1 year.
600,000 units shipped per day.
Productivity and efficiency more than doubled.
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