Bubble Group Case Studies Sigful: Revolutionizing Email Signature Marketing with IoT
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Sigful: Revolutionizing Email Signature Marketing with IoT

Bubble Group
Application Infrastructure & Middleware - Database Management & Storage
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Sigful, an SMB and Enterprise email signature marketing and management software, was founded by Ross Walpole, a graphic/digital/web designer and developer with front-end coding skills but limited backend programming skills. The challenge was to create a software that could power email signatures and promo banners for businesses through a custom embedded signature generator. The software needed to be user-friendly, customizable, and integrated with other platforms. Furthermore, it was crucial for the software to offer a free trial for users to test its capabilities and create email signatures/banners.
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Sigful is designed for SMB and Enterprise businesses looking for a solution to create email signatures and promo banners. The software is particularly beneficial for businesses that want to test the software's capabilities before committing to a subscription. The app allows users to create email signatures/banners and combine them into a template generator page, which can be embedded on their business website or sent directly as a link. The software is user-friendly and customizable, making it suitable for businesses of all sizes and industries.
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To overcome the challenge, Walpole chose Bubble, a no-code platform that offers almost all of the customization options, features, resources, and integrations needed to bring his idea to life. Bubble's user-friendly software and supportive community made it the perfect choice for Walpole. The Sigful app, built on Bubble, is a SaaS platform that offers an unlimited free trial for users to test the software’s capabilities, create email signatures/banners, and combine them into a template generator page. The generator pages are then unlocked with a subscription activation. Users sign up, create email signature and banner templates, and combine them into a generator page to embed on their business website or send directly as a link.
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The operational results of using Sigful have been positive. The first iteration of the MVP was successfully created and launched, leading to the acquisition of the first paid customers. This milestone helped refine the product further. The app will continue to evolve according to customer needs and will remain a problem solver for businesses. More signature templates will be added, and customer support will be enhanced as the app grows. The use of Bubble's no-code platform has enabled the realization of the business idea quickly and efficiently.
Sigful offers an unlimited free trial for users to test the software’s capabilities.
The software allows users to create email signatures/banners and combine them into a template generator page.
The generator pages can be unlocked with a subscription activation.
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