Case Studies SI-BONE Achieves Design-at-Scale of Additive Implants with Batch Processing
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SI-BONE Achieves Design-at-Scale of Additive Implants with Batch Processing

Analytics & Modeling - Generative AI
Analytics & Modeling - Predictive Analytics
Functional Applications - Product Lifecycle Management Systems (PLM)
Healthcare & Hospitals
Product Research & Development
Quality Assurance
Additive Manufacturing
Predictive Quality Analytics
Software Design & Engineering Services
System Integration
Lattice structures that improve osseointegration of orthopedic implants are one of the most prominent medical applications of Additive Manufacturing. However, scaling up the design processes using traditional tools can be time-consuming and prone to errors. SI-BONE faced the challenge of developing a lattice that yields consistent results and passes regulatory requirements. Additionally, they needed to automate the design workflow to apply the standardized osseointegrative structure to a product line of more than 70+ parts efficiently.
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SI-BONE is a leading company in minimally invasive joint surgery, specializing in the development of novel osseointegrative lattice structures for orthopedic implants. The company focuses on creating innovative solutions for pelvic fixation and fusion, leveraging advanced technologies to enhance patient outcomes. With a commitment to improving surgical procedures and implant performance, SI-BONE has established itself as a key player in the medical device industry. Their engineering team is dedicated to developing and automating design workflows to ensure consistency, traceability, and efficiency in their product development processes.
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To tackle the challenge, SI-BONE's engineers used nTopology to develop and automate their design workflows. They first created a proprietary highly-porous trabecular structure and then applied the standardized osseointegrative structure to a product line of more than 70+ parts using a simple script. This approach saved valuable engineering time and operational costs. The engineering team fully defined every parameter of the highly-porous trabecular lattice structure using nTopology. They created workflows that controlled key design parameters, including lattice beam thickness and pore size, and explored multiple design variations. They also ensured smooth transitions between the porous regions and the structurally critical, solid parts of the implant using Field-Driven Design. To ensure consistency and traceability, the team generated reports with each part, documenting critical design outputs in a text file. They packaged the workflow into a single, custom nTop block that exposed only the necessary inputs and outputs to the user. This allowed the engineers to share the lattice generation workflow with other team members while remaining compliant with transparency and traceability requirements.
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SI-BONE's engineers saved valuable engineering time by automating the design workflow using nTopology.
The team ensured consistency and traceability by generating reports with each part, documenting critical design outputs.
The workflow was packaged into a single, custom nTop block, allowing for easy sharing and compliance with transparency and traceability requirements.
Completed a design task that would typically take days in under 6 non-business hours.
Batch processing saved thousands of dollars in operational costs.
Manually running the same process using nTopology’s graphical user interface would take approximately 1.5 days of dedicated engineering time.
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