Bubble Group Case Studies Sevwins: Enhancing Athlete Performance through IoT
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Sevwins: Enhancing Athlete Performance through IoT

Bubble Group
Application Infrastructure & Middleware - Event-Driven Application
Platform as a Service (PaaS) - Application Development Platforms
Rapid Prototyping
Virtual Prototyping & Product Testing
Hardware Design & Engineering Services
Sevwins, a startup focused on improving the lives of student-athletes, faced the challenge of developing an app that could help athletes set and achieve physical, mental, and career goals. The app needed to be user-friendly, customizable, and capable of providing real-time feedback to both athletes and their coaches. The challenge was not just to create an app, but to create an experience that would genuinely help athletes improve their performance and overall well-being. The company also needed to validate their product in the market and get valuable feedback from users to improve the app. The challenge was further compounded by the need to develop the app quickly and at a low cost.
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Sevwins' primary customers are high school, college, and competitive league teams. The app is designed to be used by both coaches and athletes. Coaches use the app to set up team accounts, invite athletes to join, and monitor the team's individual goals, assessments, and reflections. Athletes use the app to receive daily reminders to complete their power habits, set weekly goals, assess their mental skills daily, and reflect on their successes and challenges at the end of the week. The app is designed to help athletes develop intentional habits to improve their mind, body, and spirit, and to give coaches the ability to impact more lives.
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Sevwins turned to Bubble, a leader in the no-code movement, to develop their app. Bubble's powerful point-and-click web editor and cloud hosting platform allowed Sevwins to build a fully customizable app that met their needs. The app works by allowing a coach to set up a team account and invite athletes to join. Athletes then receive daily text messages reminding them to complete their power habits, which include setting weekly goals, assessing mental skills daily, and reflecting on their successes and challenges at the end of the week. Coaches have access to all of the team's individual goals, assessments, and reflections, allowing them to quickly review team trends or check on individual profiles and responses. Sevwins also used Bubble to create a second app to host a fully interactive demo of the application using all of the same logic of the production application.
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The use of Bubble's no-code platform allowed Sevwins to quickly and cost-effectively develop an app that met their needs. The platform's real-time prototyping capabilities gave users a more 'realistic' experience, which in turn provided Sevwins with invaluable feedback that they used to improve the app. The app has been well-received by users, with one college student-athlete stating, 'Sevwins has made me a better person. I feel smarter, stronger, and more connected.' The success of the app has also allowed Sevwins to expand their offerings, with plans to introduce more advanced analytics, intelligent insights for coaches, contextual content recommendations for athletes, and even some Natural Language Processing (NLP) for text processing and trend analysis.
During the Sevwins app beta, athletes and teams from over 26 high school, college, and competitive league teams were able to set and complete physical, mental, and career goals each week.
Sevwins expanded into a private beta that included 26 high school, college, and competitive league teams.
Sevwins launched public general availability in September.
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