Bubble Group Case Studies Sets: A Community Management Tool Built on Bubble
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Sets: A Community Management Tool Built on Bubble

Bubble Group
Automation & Control - Human Machine Interface (HMI)
Platform as a Service (PaaS) - Application Development Platforms
Equipment & Machinery
Building Automation & Control
Inventory Management
Sets founder, Oli Littlejohn, was faced with the challenge of creating a community management tool that would enable users to interact with their community through discussions, events, and by sharing their profiles. The main goal was to bring a community together with a simple user interface. However, Oli did not have a technical background, which posed a significant challenge in building a web app. He had been building the community at thisiscodebase.com for the last seven years and was familiar with well-known CMS tools, but he was looking for a solution that offered more flexibility and could create the SaaS tool he felt was missing in the community space.
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Sets is designed for community organizers and members. Whether it's an online community, a co-working space, a meetup, a yoga studio, a church group, or a program, Sets is designed to bring the community together with a simple user interface. Community organizers can create new events, moderate discussions, create groups of people, and curate who gets access to the community. Community members, on the other hand, are presented with one page of information relevant to them and can choose to get updates direct to their inbox. The app is also suitable for non-technical users, as it is built on a no-code platform.
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Oli chose Bubble, a no-code platform, to build Sets. Bubble offered almost all of the customization options, features, resources, and integrations needed to build a web app. Sets was designed as a simple community management tool for various types of communities, including online communities, co-working spaces, meetups, yoga studios, church groups, and programs. The app allows community members to interact with each other, create discussions, find out about events, and share profiles. There are two types of users - community organizers and community members. Organizers can create new events, moderate discussions, create groups of people, and curate who gets access to the community. Members are presented with one page of information relevant to them and can choose to get updates direct to their inbox.
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The operational results of using Sets have been positive. The app has reached the milestone of finishing a working MVP and has been adopted by users, some of whom are even paying for it. The feedback from the community world has been great. Oli has also successfully taught a workshop on using Bubble to a group of creatives. The future plans for the app include continuous customer engagement and development, with a focus on user experience. The goal is not to overload the app with unnecessary features, but to tighten up the current interface.
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