AuraQuantic Case Studies Serikat's Digital Transformation: Automating HR Recruitment Process
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Serikat's Digital Transformation: Automating HR Recruitment Process

Application Infrastructure & Middleware - Database Management & Storage
Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) - Cloud Databases
Human Resources
Product Research & Development
Personnel Tracking & Monitoring
Time Sensitive Networking
Serikat, a technology consultancy firm, was seeking a technology solution to strengthen its process automation offerings. The company decided to automate its own personnel recruitment process as a way to gain experience and understand the platform's functionalities. The main challenge was organizing each of the tasks involved in the recruitment process, which was previously characterized by a significant volume of email exchanges between the HR department and other department managers. The tasks and activities linked to personnel selection were not digitalized to the level of performance offered by AuraQuantic. The existing database made it difficult to share applicants' information, causing inefficiencies in the selection process every time a new vacancy emerged. The recruitment process posed a double challenge: to automate all recruitment-related tasks and to improve access to information for all people involved in the recruitment process.
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Serikat is a technology consultancy firm based in Spain. Founded in 1991 as part of the ERHARDT group, the company offers a wide range of IT services, solutions, and products. Serikat uses the power of technology to build a better world for people, aiming to shape the future driven by curiosity, creativity, and teamwork. The company defines itself as a strategic ally, with extensive experience in developing innovative solutions that help customers to digitally transform. Serikat operates in the technology, logistics services, steel & trading, and insurance & risk management markets.
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Serikat's objective was to automate the personnel selection process. The project started with the creation of a sub-process to nurture the CV database. When the HR department received a CV, they entered it into the system and tagged it, generating a database to store all applicants' data. Another sub-process was designed to automate the recruitment process from start to finish. This process begins when a request to fill a vacancy is launched. The ideal-candidate profile is designed and sent to the HR coordinator who assigns the search for the requested resource to a team member. The HR department conducts the first round of interviews, classifies candidates, and conducts more evaluations for specific profiles. The HR department gives the manager who initiated the request access to the professional candidate profiles where they can leave comments. The process ends when the candidate accepts or rejects the job offer.
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The automation of the personnel selection process has generated significant benefits for Serikat. The company has managed to maintain the same staff and not reduce personnel costs after implementing AuraQuantic. This is because the company has experienced a significant growth in internal demand which, without the platform, would have forced Serikat to increase its human resources and infrastructure by more than 40%. The level of service has improved, providing coverage for more talent management projects. In the medium term, Serikat plans to expand the use of the AuraQuantic platform to address new objectives, such as linking the recruitment process with a series of internal actions, and extrapolating this use case to ERHARDT’s HR department.
100% elimination of formal communications via email
70% reduction in the time it takes to locate relevant information
70% reduction in response time for the selection of candidates
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