IBM Case Studies Security solution implemented to address cyber threats and guard against attacks
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Security solution implemented to address cyber threats and guard against attacks

Cybersecurity & Privacy - Network Security
Cybersecurity & Privacy - Security Compliance
Cybersecurity Services
Millions of people pass through airports globally each day. Cyber threats, such as computer viruses and other malicious attacks, are an ever-present threat to airport security. Rapid discovery of a security breach in an airport system is key to minimizing the damage of a targeted attack. DIAL, which manages Indira Gandhi International Airport (IRI) in India, needed a reliable solution to serve as the backbone for a state-of-the-art security operations center and monitoring infrastructure that it could use to identify and address emerging threats in real time.
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Delhi International Airport Limited (DIAL) is a joint venture consortium led by GMR Group. In 2006, DIAL was awarded the concession to operate, manage and develop Indira Gandhi International Airport (IRI) in New Delhi, India. Named after Indira Gandhi, a former prime minister of India, it is the busiest airport in the country in passenger and international traffic, and it is the second busiest in cargo traffic after Mumbai. IRI handled nearly 40 million passengers in 2014. A planned expansion program will increase the airport’s annual capacity to 100 million passengers by 2030.
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DIAL deployed a security solution that enhances security preparedness by sensing and prioritizing threats that pose the greatest risk and carry the potential to inflict heavy damage on public places like airports. It integrates security logs from applications and devices that were not supported by the previous system and provides actionable intelligence against attacks. The solution includes IBM Security QRadar SIEM and IBM Security Services.
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The solution offers a multitude of benefits and service enhancements that lead to more security-rich operations and higher resiliency for DIAL’s airport operations.
The organization has put in place security rules that give it advanced visualization and reporting capabilities that it can use to respond to potential security incidents proactively in real time 24 hours a day, every day of the year.
Increased coverage by more than 100 percent
Monitors security for approximately 150 servers, firewalls and security solutions
Extends the visibility to security incidents on thousands of endpoint devices such as terminals, desktops and notebooks that are connected to the DIAL network
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