Source Intelligence Case Studies SecureFeed: Ensuring Safety in the Compound Feed Industry with IoT
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SecureFeed: Ensuring Safety in the Compound Feed Industry with IoT

Source Intelligence
Food & Beverage
Life Sciences
Logistics & Transportation
Onsite Human Safety Management
Supply Chain Visibility
The safety of meat, dairy, and eggs begins at the farm level, with animal feed playing a significant role. The supply chain of compound feed involves suppliers of raw material, producers, and farmers. SecureFeed was established to ensure the safety and quality of compound feed. However, the compound feed sector has a complex structure with many different stakeholders, making it challenging to manage and collect data. This complexity is also seen in other industries such as pork, beef, fruit, vegetable, and horticulture. The challenge was to connect these supply chains and ensure transparency throughout the sector while responding rapidly to any issues.
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SecureFeed is an impartial organization that spans the entire Dutch animal feed industry, with over 400 Dutch animal feed companies under its umbrella. The organization monitors more than 600 products and 1250 suppliers every year, resulting in more than 125,000 analytical results. SecureFeed's mission is to ensure the safety and quality of compound feed by connecting the supply chain, which includes suppliers of raw material, producers, and farmers.
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SecureFeed adopted the ChainPoint software, built on proven technology, to fit their specific needs. The software was adapted and configured for SecureFeed, a process that ChainPoint undertakes for all its customers. The SecureFeed solution features risk assessment of feed material, supplier assessment, producer assessment, and information sharing via alerts and warnings. Because the ChainPoint software is flexible, scalable, and adaptable, it can be used in other sectors with complex structures. The technology is already being used in the pork, beef, fruit, vegetable, and horticulture industries, greatly simplifying the management and collection of data in these sectors and enabling the supply chain to respond rapidly while ensuring transparency.
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By adopting the ChainPoint software, SecureFeed has been able to effectively manage and collect data in the complex compound feed sector. The software's flexibility, scalability, and adaptability have allowed it to be used in other sectors as well, such as pork, beef, fruit, vegetable, and horticulture. This has enabled rapid response within the supply chain and ensured transparency throughout the sector. The solution's features, including risk assessment of feed material, supplier assessment, producer assessment, and information sharing via alerts and warnings, have further enhanced SecureFeed's operational efficiency.
SecureFeed monitors over 600 products annually
SecureFeed assesses over 1250 suppliers every year
The organization generates more than 125,000 analytical results per year
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