Rackspace Technology Case Studies Search Marketing Leader Eases Infrastructure Growing Pains with GoGrid
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Search Marketing Leader Eases Infrastructure Growing Pains with GoGrid

Rackspace Technology
Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) - Cloud Computing
Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) - Cloud Storage Services
Sales & Marketing
Cloud Planning, Design & Implementation Services
Excite Digital Media, a search engine marketing (SEM) services provider based in Sydney, Australia, was experiencing rapid growth and needed a reliable, flexible, high-performance infrastructure to support its operations. The company had tried several infrastructure strategies, including housing some of its infrastructure at its own offices, using a co-location facility, and even turning to an infrastructure as-a-service (IaaS) provider. However, as the company grew, its ad hoc approach had several drawbacks. Managing an ad hoc infrastructure was inefficient and keeping up with hardware purchases using a piecemeal approach was challenging. The company was also wary of getting locked into a proprietary cloud environment and wanted to limit the amount of capital devoted to hardware.
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Excite Digital Media is a search engine marketing (SEM) services provider based in Sydney, Australia. The company helps search engine providers, advertising networks, and publishers reach targeted audiences with banner and in-text ads and sponsored XML feeds. By working with Excite, online publishers gain access to the high-quality, targeted ads they need to drive click-throughs and revenue. The company’s proven ability to optimize targeting has driven rapid growth in the number of websites it serves. Excite operates in the space between advertising networks and publishers. If its infrastructure breaks down or it runs out of bandwidth, business suffers. And given that the company is expanding rapidly, Excite needs to know that its growth will not outstrip its bandwidth.
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Excite Digital Media decided to move to the cloud and chose GoGrid as its IaaS provider. GoGrid's hybrid architecture, which allows the use of both virtualized cloud servers and dedicated machines, provided the flexibility that Excite needed. The company was able to use the database technology it preferred and the approaches to data management that it found effective. GoGrid's proximity to the main data centers for Yahoo! and Ask.com, two of Excite’s key distribution partners, helped reduce the risk of latency. The GoGrid Content Delivery Network (CDN), which includes global points of presence, provided a further performance boost. Excite also maintains a staging environment on GoGrid to test its innovations.
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Excite Digital Media has been able to focus more time and energy on innovation.
The company has been able to grow rapidly without investing in hardware.
Excite has been able to devote more capital to developing features and winning new customers.
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