Mar-Kov Computer Systems Case Studies Scaling Up Fulcher’s Seafood with Mar-Kov’s Food Manufacturing Software
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Scaling Up Fulcher’s Seafood with Mar-Kov’s Food Manufacturing Software

Mar-Kov Computer Systems
Functional Applications - Computerized Maintenance Management Systems (CMMS)
Functional Applications - Inventory Management Systems
Food & Beverage
Warehouse & Inventory Management
Inventory Management
Picking, Sorting & Positioning
Testing & Certification
Fulcher’s Seafood, a North Carolina-based seafood company, was facing a significant challenge in scaling up their operations. The company experienced a sudden surge in demand for its prepared foods due to the pandemic, doubling their sales in just three months. However, hiring and training new employees to meet this demand was not feasible due to budget and time constraints. The company was also grappling with stringent food safety certification requirements, which were prerequisites for 80% of their customers. Furthermore, the company was struggling with poor inventory control, which was causing late deliveries, stock-outs, and short orders. The manual system of using pens and spreadsheets was proving to be inefficient and error-prone, leading to a domino effect of issues downstream.
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Fulcher’s Seafood is a North Carolina-based seafood company that specializes in prepared foods. The company was founded by Chaz Fulcher and his sister Christina Fulcher-Cahoon, who launched their prepared food business with just four products. The company has since grown, expanding its product range to include six, eight, and then 12 items. Despite the challenges posed by the pandemic, the company experienced a surge in demand, doubling its sales in just three months. Fulcher’s Seafood prides itself on its commitment to food safety and quality, with 80% of its customers requiring HACCP, FDA FSMA, and SQF certification.
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Fulcher’s Seafood turned to Mar-Kov’s food manufacturing software to address these challenges. The software provided real-time inventory control, enabling the company to meet unprecedented production and delivery targets. It also helped the company comply with food safety certification requirements. The software allowed employees to update inventory every shift, and the quarterly inventory count was streamlined, taking only 36 hours with the help of bar code scanners and tablets. Mar-Kov’s software also proved invaluable during the eight annual scheduled and random internal and third-party audits. It enabled instant access to accurate, detailed information, reducing the time required to pull data and create reports from hours to just a few minutes. The software also stored the company’s 40 to 60 recipes, recorded updates, and ensured the correct ingredients were used in the right amounts.
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The implementation of Mar-Kov’s food manufacturing software has brought about significant operational improvements for Fulcher’s Seafood. The company has been able to meet the surge in demand without hiring new employees, thanks to the software’s efficient inventory control and batch management capabilities. The software has also reduced the stress and hassle associated with food safety audits, as it provides instant access to accurate, detailed information. Furthermore, the software has virtually eliminated administration aggravation, audit-related stress, raw material stockouts, missed production deadlines, and customer dissatisfaction. The company is now able to accurately cost finished goods, which has helped to maintain margins without increasing prices. Overall, the software has enabled Fulcher’s Seafood to scale up its operations efficiently and effectively, while maintaining high standards of food safety and customer satisfaction.
Doubled production without hiring new employees
Reduced time for quarterly inventory count to 36 hours
Reduced time required to pull data and create reports from hours to minutes
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