Klipfolio Case Studies Sanoma Gets the Big Picture With Klipfolio
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Sanoma Gets the Big Picture With Klipfolio

Analytics & Modeling - Real Time Analytics
Platform as a Service (PaaS) - Data Management Platforms
Business Operation
Process Control & Optimization
Real-Time Location System (RTLS)
Data Science Services
Sanoma, a leading consumer media and learning company in Europe, was facing the challenge of tracking and managing metrics for its new online streaming and web-based content. The new content distribution channels created complexities for tracking and metrics management. The online streaming generated a large amount of data about viewership behaviour and content consumption patterns that needed to be effectively tracked and analyzed. In addition, Sanoma had recently signed a lucrative content deal to live stream Finnish Elite League - Liiga hockey games. This deal created a significant need within the management team to track viewer behaviour and feedback up-to-the-minute, to ensure they were generating a solid return on investment. Previous viewership statistics were tracked using Excel spreadsheets, which were difficult to compile and provided a disjointed view of what was really happening online.
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Sanoma is a leading consumer media and learning company in Europe. The company has a dominant market share position in Finland and the Netherlands with multiple broadcast and online content delivery channels. Sanoma is listed on the NASDAQ OMX Helsinki Stock Exchange and its net sales in 2013 totaled 2.2 billion euros. Like many media companies, Sanoma understood that it needed to provide the sports, entertainment and information programming its viewers demanded, whenever and wherever they wanted it. This led to the launch of new online streaming and web-based content in addition to the organization’s already leading traditional broadcast services.
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Sanoma adopted Klipfolio Dashboard as a solution to their challenge. Klipfolio Dashboard allowed Sanoma to integrate disparate data sources into a single dashboard and create dashboards quickly for web and mobile delivery. Petri Mertanen, a member of Sanoma's team, started a Klipfolio trial and by the end of the first weekend, he had a sample dashboard to show to the VP of Online at Nelonen Media. The VP was impressed with the interactivity of the visuals and the ability to view the dashboard on a mobile device. Within a month, Petri was able to push out complete dashboard reports with Klipfolio, targeted at development, directors and executives, as well as the online analyst team. Starting with a few key data sources, like Adobe Insights and Google Spreadsheets, Mertanen was able to quickly create dynamic, user-friendly dashboards.
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Sanoma was able to integrate information from MailChimp, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Google Analytics, comScore and even Meltwater media monitoring data to create an integrated view of key metrics for online properties.
The solution has been adopted by other analysts in the organization and Klipfolio is being used in other business units as well.
With Klipfolio, the Online Performance Unit is able to share mobile dashboards quickly and easily – allowing important business decision-making information to ‘go viral’ across Sanoma.
Where an analyst used to spend 4-5 hours each week compiling reports, he now spends around 30 minutes. This meant the team only spent 10% of the time and effort building reports.
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