Sage Case Studies Sage 100 ERP Scores Points With The Game
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Sage 100 ERP Scores Points With The Game

Functional Applications - Enterprise Resource Planning Systems (ERP)
Functional Applications - Warehouse Management Systems (WMS)
Warehouse & Inventory Management
Inventory Management
System Integration
The Game, a leading sportswear brand, experienced significant growth and its warehousing functions became increasingly complex. In 1999, the company built a new 120,000 square-foot building to house warehousing and distribution, hoping for economies of scale. However, the move resulted in the opposite effect. The building was so large that it was difficult to find anything. The company needed a warehouse management system that would integrate with their existing Sage 100 ERP to provide a comprehensive solution that features streamlined efficiency and seamless data flow.
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The Game is America’s number-one headwear brand in college bookstores and large sports apparel chains. The company designs, imports, decorates, and distributes logo apparel, primarily caps, embroidered with team names. It also holds the prestigious license for NASCAR headwear and apparel, selling to trackside vendors, licensed shops, and online customers. The Game has in-house embroidery operations running two shifts a day, with digitizing equipment for high-quality production and speedy turnaround. Ten artists and designers use the latest technology to create dynamic designs. One sister company manufactures private-label apparel merchandise for sports corporations. Another operates a 200-person call center and fulfillment center, with 24x7 ordering capabilities for special programs and offerings.
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The Game’s reseller discovered RADIO BEACON™ WMS, a warehouse management system, at Sage’s annual partner conference and learned that the product integrated with Sage 100 ERP. The reseller then brought in SWK, a Sage 100 ERP master developer who had created the RADIO BEACON integration. The reseller served as outside project manager for the entire implementation. Sage 100 ERP and RADIO BEACON proved to be an excellent answer. Today, data flows seamlessly from the back office to the warehouse and back again, all in a totally paperless process. Sales and purchase orders are delivered electronically to the warehouse floor. The accounting staff is “ecstatic,” he says, because they no longer have to key data into spreadsheets.
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Seamless integration and data flow between the back office and the warehouse.
Streamlined automation and paperless processes.
Elimination of manual spreadsheets.
Reduced warehouse staff by 37 percent.
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