Geckoboard Case Studies Saasu: A Case Study on Data-Driven Marketing and Building a Data Culture
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Saasu: A Case Study on Data-Driven Marketing and Building a Data Culture

Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) - Cloud Computing
Platform as a Service (PaaS) - Data Management Platforms
Finance & Insurance
Business Operation
Cloud Planning, Design & Implementation Services
Data Science Services
Saasu, a global accounting platform, has always believed in the importance of data. However, the company faced challenges in making data the ultimate deciding factor in business decisions. The company needed a tool that could display KPIs and metrics prominently throughout their offices and on mobile devices. The challenge was to build a culture where data and intuition could work together, and where data visibility forms an important part of that culture. The company also faced challenges in choosing what to measure, as focusing on the wrong numbers could lead to not achieving business goals.
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Saasu is a global accounting platform that connects to banks, e-commerce platforms, point of sale systems, and productivity tools to provide a complete overview of business activity. The company's online product is used by customers in 50 countries around the world. Saasu builds software that makes managing accounts rewarding, helping business owners and advisors gain insight into performance, and ultimately enabling them to make the right decisions leading to continued growth. The company is not just about bank reconciliations and compliance. As the CMO, Rhys Taylor heads up the marketing team and oversees the company's plans for growth. He also spends time focusing on the company's customers, as their level of satisfaction and feedback is important to Saasu and helps them take the product in the right direction.
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Saasu adopted Geckoboard, a data communication tool, to display KPIs and metrics prominently throughout their offices and on mobile devices. The tool allowed Saasu to set up different dashboards for different purposes such as website, product, service queue, etc. The company also implemented a culture of openness, where data visibility forms an important part of that culture. Everyone at Saasu has 3 KPIs they work to— unique to each individual. These KPIs guide each person day to day, week to week and year on year. The idea is that these numbers are shared amongst the team to create accountability. As roles are created or change a member of the management team works with each individual to decide on their KPIs.
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Saasu was able to display KPIs and metrics prominently throughout their offices and on mobile devices.
The company was able to build a culture where data and intuition could work together.
Saasu was able to focus on the right numbers to achieve their business goals.
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