Case Studies RunSignUp runs with New Relic to improve online registration and race management
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RunSignUp runs with New Relic to improve online registration and race management

Application Infrastructure & Middleware - API Integration & Management
Platform as a Service (PaaS) - Connectivity Platforms
Business Operation
Sales & Marketing
Real-Time Location System (RTLS)
Remote Asset Management
Cloud Planning, Design & Implementation Services
System Integration
RunSignUp, a software service provider for race management, registration, and related activities, was facing challenges in managing its performance as its service and customer base grew. The company was using semi-manual scripts to manage system monitoring and alerting, which made it difficult to determine when the system was down and for how long. The company was committed to delivering a 99.9%+ uptime, but this was consuming a lot of resources and time. In addition to managing site availability, the team needed to manage site performance, which required understanding the response times end users experience. The tools they were using were not providing clear visibility into end user response times. Another challenge was the ability to handle traffic spikes when managing really big races. The company needed an automated performance management tool to provide visibility into performance.
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RunSignUp (RSU) is a software service provider founded in 2009. The company offers a service to make race management, registration, and related activities easier for runners, race directors, clubs, and timing services. Leveraging the cloud, RunSignUp developed a race widget that embeds into a race’s, timer’s, or club’s site enabling runner registration right on their sites. The company believes that registration belongs out in the larger world of running – in the thousands of local races and running clubs, with race directors, timers, and the runners participating in the races. RunSignUp averages 3.7 new races a day and is growing. The company is committed to providing an easy frictionless experience for everyone associated with managing or participating in a race.
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RunSignUp decided to use New Relic, a SaaS solution, to monitor, manage, and improve its performance. The company initially used New Relic's alerts feature to monitor the system every minute to ensure that the website and database were active and running without a hitch. The company also used New Relic to monitor its customer SLA. The New Relic Dashboard, Server Monitoring, and Real User Monitoring (RUM) provided great information about the site's performance and what their end users were experiencing. The team also used Transaction Traces to identify bottlenecks and errors. New Relic's ability to monitor any number of Amazon web servers was also beneficial for handling larger races where registrations ranged between ten to fifty thousand applicants. This allowed RunSignUp to provide detailed information to their customers about their users' experiences of web browser wait time.
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Improved visibility into availability, site performance, and end user experience.
Developers have more hours for new projects and development.
Monitoring and managing performance is no longer a mystery.
Achieved 100% uptime.
Handled traffic spikes for larger races where registrations ranged between ten to fifty thousand applicants.
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