Case Studies Rogue Valley Transit Builds Better Routes Using Data
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Rogue Valley Transit Builds Better Routes Using Data

Analytics & Modeling - Predictive Analytics
Functional Applications - Fleet Management Systems (FMS)
Cities & Municipalities
Business Operation
Logistics & Transportation
Fleet Management
Predictive Maintenance
Process Control & Optimization
Data Science Services
System Integration
In 2014, RVTD faced a budget crunch and needed to cut services if they could not secure additional funding. They proposed a property tax levy, but it did not pass, forcing them to make tough routing decisions. Using stop-level data from Streets ITS and APCs, RVTD identified areas where they could shorten and streamline routes to improve efficiency while minimally impacting riders. For instance, they cut service to the airport, which had low ridership, thereby shortening the route and allowing for more efficient use of driver time. In 2016, RVTD proposed another property tax levy, which passed, providing additional funding. They aimed to use this funding efficiently to improve services. Using time-point level route-schedule adherence data, they identified that riders on route 60 were often missing their connections due to late arrivals at the transit hub. They made targeted adjustments to the route to improve on-time performance and reduce missed connections.
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Rogue Valley Transit District (RVTD) is an award-winning public agency based in Medford, Oregon, providing fixed route service to seven communities in Jackson County. The agency operates 26 fixed route buses across 8 routes. In June 2017, RVTD received the CTAA award for Urban Community Transportation System of the Year, recognizing their responsiveness to customer and community needs. Jon Sullivan, Transit Planner at RVTD, attributes their success to the use of fixed route software, which has been crucial in enhancing customer service. The agency has demonstrated a commitment to making data-driven decisions to optimize their services, even in the face of budget constraints.
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RVTD utilized ridership and RSA data to make informed decisions about route adjustments. In 2014, when faced with budget constraints, they used stop-level data from Streets ITS and APCs to identify low-ridership stops, such as the airport, and cut services to improve efficiency. This allowed them to shorten routes and make better use of driver time. In 2016, after securing additional funding through a property tax levy, RVTD aimed to use the funds efficiently to enhance services. They used time-point level route-schedule adherence data to identify issues with on-time performance on route 60. By making small changes to the route pattern, such as bypassing a residential neighborhood and consolidating stops, they improved the bus's arrival time at the transit hub, reducing missed connections for riders. These data-driven decisions have enabled RVTD to provide excellent service and be responsive to customer needs, even with limited resources.
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Critical services were saved by making data-driven decisions on where to cut and adjust routes.
On-time performance improved, particularly on route 60, by making targeted route adjustments.
Fewer riders missed their transfers due to improved scheduling and route efficiency.
The removal of the airport stop shortened the route from 45 minutes to 30 minutes.
The bus on route 60 consistently arrived at the station 2 minutes earlier after route adjustments.
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