Case Studies RF-SMART & Pacejet’s Built for NetSuite solutions helped Chicago Music Exchange save $68k+ annually
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RF-SMART & Pacejet’s Built for NetSuite solutions helped Chicago Music Exchange save $68k+ annually

Application Infrastructure & Middleware - Data Exchange & Integration
Functional Applications - Enterprise Resource Planning Systems (ERP)
Functional Applications - Warehouse Management Systems (WMS)
Logistics & Transportation
Warehouse & Inventory Management
Inventory Management
Supply Chain Visibility
Warehouse Automation
Software Design & Engineering Services
System Integration
Before RF-SMART and PaceJet, Chicago Music Exchange had a few homegrown processes and a mix of supply chain tools that didn’t communicate efficiently. Every time they hired a new crew member, it would take them over two months to get acclimated to the processes and to learn all the SKUs for the items, before also needing to figure out where they were all placed within the warehouse. They needed a solution that could help automate parts of their process to slim down the time spent onboarding, while also helping them grow as they worked to continually scale their operations.
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Celebrating 30 years of proudly serving musicians, collectors, and friends, Chicago Music Exchange runs one of the largest e-commerce and storefront music gear shops in the Midwest. With a line around the block every morning before the store opens, Chicago Music Exchange is known for its museum-like storefront and first-class customer service experience. Whether you come for your first guitar or join the Chicago Drum Exchange, Chicago Music Exchange strives to provide excellence in equipment and expert service that helps musicians deliver their own unique sound. To work at the Chicago Music Exchange, they have one simple rule: you must love music. Full of both talent and passion from the executives to the warehouse, the skilled team at Chicago Music Exchange has a keen eye for tuning and a love for their craft.
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Searching for a better shipping solution, Brian Robertson, Shipping Manager of Chicago Music Exchange, went straight to NetSuite, in search of a trusted and tested solution. Pacejet was an easy choice for the Chicago Music Exchange team. Pacejet provides a native integration to NetSuite with connections to RF-SMART and their e-commerce provider to bring together a fully connected solution to help them automate and save time on their shipping line. With RF-SMART and Pacejet helping to streamline their operations, Chicago Music Exchange is able to pull together their warehouse processes, reduce manual entry steps, and increase efficiency. In 2019 alone, they were able to decrease the number of mis-ships by 82.5%, giving their customers more confidence to keep rocking on.
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Annually shipping out 120,000+ shipments can be challenging for a shipping manager but with trusted, vetted solutions, a shipment can take less than 20 minutes to get out the door.
With RF-SMART and Pacejet, Chicago Music Exchange was able to streamline their warehouse processes, reducing manual entry steps and increasing efficiency.
The integration of RF-SMART and Pacejet helped Chicago Music Exchange to automate parts of their process, significantly reducing the time spent on employee onboarding.
63% reduction in employee onboarding time.
82.5% reduction in mis-ships from 2018 to 2019.
Saved around $68,000 annually.
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