Qlik Case Studies Reynolds Porter Chamberlain Improves Service by Analysing Data with QlikView
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Reynolds Porter Chamberlain Improves Service by Analysing Data with QlikView

Analytics & Modeling - Real Time Analytics
Application Infrastructure & Middleware - Data Visualization
Predictive Quality Analytics
Process Control & Optimization
Software Design & Engineering Services
System Integration
Reynolds Porter Chamberlain (RPC), a leading UK law firm, was seeking to upgrade its IT infrastructure and software to ensure business excellence and provide its partners and lawyers with the best tools for their jobs. The firm recognized the need for a more astute use of technology to enhance their knowledge management functions, especially in the face of tightening internal corporate legal budgets. RPC wanted a business intelligence tool to create a support service to help lawyers and partners view, analyze, and interact with data about legal matters and monitor financial performance more transparently and effectively. Senior staff at RPC were also expressing frustrations with their previous ways of working with matter management. They wanted a more understandable way of examining the figures in the accounting system and to interpret whether particular matters they were handling were financially managed correctly.
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Reynolds Porter Chamberlain LLP (RPC) is a leading law firm in the United Kingdom known for its forward-thinking approach and commitment to offering a full business law service to its clients. The firm's clients, 30% of whom are outside the UK, include some of the world's best-known companies. In 2011, the firm reported a turnover of £61.8 million, with 70% of that coming from litigation. RPC is continually seeking to upgrade its IT infrastructure and software to ensure business excellence and provide its 70+ partners and over 200 lawyers with the best tools for their jobs. The firm operates in the United Kingdom and Singapore.
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RPC chose QlikView after extensive analysis of the market because it could deliver a dashboard and visualization of data quickly and at a lower cost than traditional business intelligence software. QlikTech partner Project Brokers also emerged as a key and proven developer in the market for QlikView and agreed to handle system integration. The information from QlikView was initially rolled out just to the 65 partners in a managed process, so they could gain daily insight into the information the 200 lawyers working for RPC would be accessing. QlikView allows users to see the information they need instantly, using a range of visual graphs, images, and colors. For the future, RPC plans to use QlikView to process data from its knowledge management and HR systems so it can deliver key performance indicators around these activities as well.
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Delivered instant access to financial data through a dashboard solution
User-friendly BI software required little or no training
Partners and lawyers now gain access to QlikView when they log on each morning helping them to understand the current situation of all their matters, clients, and behavior of their lawyers
First reports in days not months
Evaluated as the fastest time to value tool
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