Spire Case Studies Revolutionizing Wildfire Detection and Monitoring Through Space Partnership
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Revolutionizing Wildfire Detection and Monitoring Through Space Partnership

Sensors - Infrared Sensors
Sensors - Proximity Sensors
Behavior & Emotion Tracking
Leakage & Flood Monitoring
The increasing risk and intensity of wildfires worldwide, exacerbated by climate change, necessitates a robust and efficient defense strategy. The challenge lies in the need for real-time monitoring and early detection systems that can help authorities shorten wildfire response times, swiftly implement evacuation plans, and provide firefighters with the necessary support. Additionally, these systems would aid the forest sector in identifying future risk areas and proactively patrolling them. However, the rapid response required necessitates data from remote areas, which can only be gathered from space. This is where OroraTech, a satellite wildfire monitoring start-up based in Germany, and Spire, a leading provider of nanosatellites, come into play.
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The primary customers for this innovative solution are international, national, and local responders who are tasked with managing and mitigating the effects of wildfires. These include firefighting authorities who need to respond swiftly to wildfires, and forest sectors that need to identify areas of future risk and patrol them proactively. The solution also benefits communities living in wildfire-prone areas, as early detection and rapid response can lead to timely evacuation and potentially save lives and property.
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OroraTech and Spire have partnered to develop a solution to this pressing issue. OroraTech has created a global wildfire intelligence service and is planning to develop its own constellation of proprietary nanosatellites and thermal infrared cameras. The mission is to speed up detection times using data from space. Spire’s 6U nanosatellite, launched in January 2022, carries OroraTech’s first payload, a thermal infrared camera, and data processing unit ideal for identifying high-temperature events such as wildfires. The success of this mission allows OroraTech to demonstrate their new technology using a reliable nanosatellite platform. This marks an important step in OroraTech’s journey to build and scale their own constellation of nanosatellites, unlocking the potential of their thermal infrared cameras and data processing units.
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The operational results of this partnership and the implementation of the technology are significant. The ability to detect wildfires in real-time and at an early stage allows for a more efficient and effective response. This can lead to a reduction in the damage caused by wildfires, both in terms of loss of life and property. Additionally, the data gathered can help in identifying areas of future risk, enabling proactive patrolling and potentially preventing wildfires before they occur. The use of space technology for wildfire detection also means that remote areas, which were previously difficult to monitor, can now be effectively covered.
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