Canto Case Studies Revolutionizing Sales Enablement: Ultimate Sales and Canto
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Revolutionizing Sales Enablement: Ultimate Sales and Canto

Functional Applications - Product Data Management Systems
Food & Beverage
Sales & Marketing
Retail Store Automation
Smart Collateral Management
System Integration
Ultimate Sales, a convenience store food broker, was facing a significant challenge in managing and distributing sales collateral to its sales representatives. Each sales rep was responsible for dozens of brands and hundreds of products, resulting in a massive amount of sales collateral such as product overviews, price lists, and promotional flyers. The Director of Marketing, Jacquelyn Sisson, and her team were tasked with collecting this content, adapting it for a convenience store market, and passing it on to sales reps. However, the sheer volume of documents and the individual organizational preferences of each sales rep made this a daunting task. The existing system of folders was inefficient and often led to lost collateral, causing salespeople to constantly reach out to the marketing team and even executive leadership for assistance.
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Ultimate Sales is a convenience store food broker based in Savannah, GA. The company helps brands across North America get their products onto convenience store shelves. With a large team of sales representatives, each covering dozens of brands and hundreds of products, Ultimate Sales deals with a significant amount of sales collateral. The company's marketing team, led by Director of Marketing Jacquelyn Sisson, is responsible for collecting, adapting, and distributing this collateral to the sales reps. The company was in need of a solution that could efficiently manage and distribute this vast amount of collateral, while also catering to the individual organizational preferences of each sales rep.
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The solution to Ultimate Sales' challenge came in the form of Canto, a digital asset management system. With Canto, Jacquelyn was able to create a system where salespeople could find anything they needed in three clicks or less. Canto's intuitive search and filtering allowed for the creation of filter categories customized to Ultimate Sales and their customer base. This made it easy for sales reps to find what they needed quickly and efficiently. Additionally, Canto's sophisticated search could pick up on product names, product numbers, and other key information in the text of PDFs and other documents. To prevent confusion and mix-ups, Canto provided version control and expiration dates. This ensured that outdated content was automatically removed from the sales team’s portals. Ultimate Sales also used Canto to streamline the entire journey of the collateral, from submission by food brands to distribution to potential buyers.
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The implementation of Canto has revolutionized sales enablement at Ultimate Sales. The intuitive search and filtering system has made it easy for sales reps to find what they need quickly and efficiently, allowing them to focus more on their customers instead of tracking down lost files. The version control and expiration dates have eliminated the fear of confusing old price lists for current ones, ensuring that only the most current version of the collateral is used. The system has also streamlined the entire journey of the collateral, from submission by food brands to distribution to potential buyers. Despite the different preferences and workflows of the sales reps, Canto has provided a library of sales tools that works for everyone.
Sales reps can now find any collateral they need in three clicks or less, significantly reducing time spent on searching for documents.
Outdated content is automatically removed from the sales team’s portals, preventing confusion and mix-ups.
Sales reps can now find and send out collateral to potential buyers straight from Canto, streamlining the sales process.
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