Software AG Case Studies Revolutionizing Motorsport with IoT: The Electric Racing Academy Case Study
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Revolutionizing Motorsport with IoT: The Electric Racing Academy Case Study

Software AG
Application Infrastructure & Middleware - Middleware, SDKs & Libraries
Other - Battery
Security & Public Safety
Smart Parking
The Electric Racing Academy (ERA), the world's first all-electric junior racing series, was founded with the aim of offering better inclusivity, sustainability, and digitalization than established combustion race series. The founders, Dieter Vanswijgenhoven and Beth Georgiou, were driven by the need to address climate change and make racing accessible to as many people as possible. However, they faced the challenge of creating a digital experience away from the racetrack, which would require a cutting-edge IoT solution for connectivity with the race cars. Additionally, they needed to ensure that the races, which would last 20 minutes before the battery needs to be charged, would be engaging and exciting for both the drivers and the fans.
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The Electric Racing Academy (ERA) is a startup that is launching the world's first all-electric junior racing series. Founded by Dieter Vanswijgenhoven and Beth Georgiou, ERA aims to offer better inclusivity, sustainability, and digitalization than established combustion race series. The founders are passionate about addressing climate change and making racing accessible to as many people as possible. ERA's innovative approach to racing includes the use of an all-electric powered Formula 4 race car, the Mitsu-Bachi F110e, and a cutting-edge IoT solution for connectivity with the cars. The opening season of the racing series is set to kick off in summer 2022.
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To overcome these challenges, ERA employed IoT connectivity with race cars and cloud information storage and analysis. This was made possible through Software AG’s Cumulocity IoT platform. The platform allowed for the collection and analysis of race data in real-time, creating a digital experience for fans away from the racetrack. Furthermore, the founders planned to leverage the world of gaming to attract young fans, indicating a potential for virtual or augmented reality experiences in the future. The ERA's solution not only addressed the need for a sustainable and inclusive racing series but also tapped into the trend toward e-mobility, making it an attractive opportunity for companies looking to align their marketing and sponsoring activities with sustainability.
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The implementation of the IoT solution has laid the groundwork for the ERA's inaugural season, with high interest already being shown. The use of Software AG’s Cumulocity IoT platform has enabled real-time data collection and analysis, enhancing the digital experience for fans away from the racetrack. Furthermore, the founders' plans to leverage the world of gaming could potentially attract a younger audience, further expanding the reach of the racing series. The ERA's approach to racing also aligns with the trend toward e-mobility, making it an attractive opportunity for companies looking to sponsor activities that promote sustainability.
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