Altium Case Studies Reviving Old Ideas with New Technology: Automation Research Group's Journey
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Reviving Old Ideas with New Technology: Automation Research Group's Journey

Networks & Connectivity - Bluetooth
Networks & Connectivity - WiFi
Product Research & Development
Leasing Finance Automation
Material Handling Automation
Cloud Planning, Design & Implementation Services
Hardware Design & Engineering Services

Automation Research Group, a Philadelphia-based engineering and design company, was facing challenges in managing and transmitting data securely. With the advent of high-speed internet, data transmission became faster but also brought along security concerns. For some clients, having a private network tethered to a building was more secure than using WiFi or broadband internet connections. This led the company to revisit the idea of using power lines as an alternative to WiFi for data transmission. However, this method, while more secure, was slower and required specialized equipment. Additionally, the company was also struggling with managing parts for their custom-designed PCBs. The parts management was all in a local database and there was no way to determine if the parts were outdated.

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Automation Research Group is a Philadelphia-based engineering and design company. They specialize in revisiting old ideas and adapting them to modern needs. One of their ambitious projects involves using power lines as an alternative to WiFi for data transmission, offering a more secure but slower method. The company also manufactures hardware devices, including controllers, smart thermometers, wheelchairs, Bluetooth data loggers, high-speed microarray printers, and more for clients across a wide range of industries. They serve a diverse clientele, including government agencies and large corporate clients, who value the company's innovative approach to data transmission and security.

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Automation Research Group turned to Altium for solutions. They adopted Altium Designer, a tool that has been instrumental in coalescing client requests. The company also added Altium Concord Pro, an end-to-end content management, collaboration, and component sourcing tool, and Altium 365, the world’s first cloud platform for PCB design and realization. These tools helped streamline client work and freed up more time for the company to work on their power line project. Altium 365 unified the team from start to finish, providing a single unified library essential for the business. With Altium Concord Pro in the cloud, sharing, getting real-time part information, and accessing the library became seamless. The company was able to manage parts, determine if they were outdated, and acquire replacements instantly.

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The adoption of Altium tools has significantly improved the operational efficiency of Automation Research Group. The company has been able to streamline its everyday operations, freeing up more time to work on their power line project. The unified library provided by Altium 365 has been essential for the business, enabling seamless sharing, real-time part information, and easy access to the library. The company has also been able to enhance its customer service. Instead of waiting until a project is completed to send customers their project files, they now add customers as team members to an Altium 365 workspace. This allows customers to see the project progress, make comments, and essentially look over the team's shoulders, which they love. The company is now able to balance their client work more effectively, with the continued help of Altium.

Saved about 30% of time

Reduced overall errors by 50% or more

Instant access to part availability and replacements

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