Via Case Studies Revitalizing Public Transport in Fortaleza with IoT: The TopBus+ Case Study
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Revitalizing Public Transport in Fortaleza with IoT: The TopBus+ Case Study

Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) - Public Cloud
Logistics & Transportation
Autonomous Transport Systems
System Integration
Sindiônibus, the union of transport operators in Fortaleza, Brazil, was facing a steady decline in public transport ridership. The rise of ride-hailing apps and private vehicles had led to a significant drop in the number of people using public transport. The challenge was to integrate a more efficient and comfortable transportation alternative into their network to regain riders, while keeping service costs in check. An internal feasibility study was conducted in December 2019, which led to the rollout of a microtransit service called TopBus+.
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Sindiônibus is the union of transport operators in Fortaleza, Brazil. They are responsible for managing the city's public transport system. Faced with a decline in ridership due to the rise of ride-hailing apps and private vehicles, Sindiônibus sought to integrate a more efficient and comfortable transportation alternative into their network. They conducted an internal feasibility study and rolled out a microtransit service called TopBus+, powered by Via's technology. Sindiônibus is now planning to expand the program beyond the city into the entire metropolitan area.
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The solution to Sindiônibus' challenge was the implementation of Via's technology, which diversified their public transport offering by adding a flexible, data-driven option to their network. This included an operations platform that allowed oversight of vehicle dispatching and routing, a driver app for managing scheduling and navigation, and a rider app for booking and tracking shared rides. The software also provided Sindiônibus with unprecedented access to new rider data, which was instrumental in driving customer experience and growth efforts. This included the implementation of a variety of payment methods, including a transport card that riders could use with both TopBus+ and the fixed-line bus system. Following a COVID-19 ridership lull, TopBus+ saw a significant increase in rides and revenue, prompting Sindiônibus to expand their fleet.
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The implementation of Via's technology and the rollout of TopBus+ has had a significant impact on Sindiônibus' operations. The flexible, data-driven solution has not only diversified their public transport offering but also provided them with unprecedented access to new rider data. This has been instrumental in driving customer experience and growth efforts, including the implementation of a variety of payment methods. The increase in rides and revenue has also allowed Sindiônibus to expand their fleet, thereby accommodating more riders during peak hours. The success of TopBus+ has prompted Sindiônibus to plan for expansion of the program beyond the city into the entire metropolitan area.
250% increase in rides completed between December 2019 and March 2022
35% increase in fare-generated income from April to August 2022
Expansion of fleet from 20 to 34 vehicles to accommodate increased ridership
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