NETSCOUT Case Studies Retailer Assures E-Commerce Website Performance with NETSCOUT
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Retailer Assures E-Commerce Website Performance with NETSCOUT

Application Infrastructure & Middleware - API Integration & Management
Sales & Marketing
Business Operation
Supply Chain Visibility
Retail Store Automation
System Integration
Software Design & Engineering Services
The retailer faced a sudden shift to a predominantly e-commerce model due to the COVID-19 pandemic. This resulted in a doubling of daily website traffic and a significant increase in e-commerce business volumes. The company's IT operations were critical to this transition, but they faced several challenges. They were relying on a multi-vendor tool mix for monitoring applications and network services, which led to dropped packets and data loss due to increased traffic volumes. There were also emerging 'blind spots' that made real-time monitoring and troubleshooting difficult. These included database authentication problems, user-experience challenges with cloud-based Google Workspace collaboration services for remote employees, and outages in the data link network layer. The company was also trying to build out internal lab environments to test the impact of network performance associated with introducing new applications in the production environment, but this was delayed due to the lack of necessary views for this type of forecasting analysis.
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The customer is a global retailer that has successfully transitioned from a retail business model reliant on a brick-and-mortar presence to one that also emphasizes a prominent e-commerce platform. This transition was accelerated by the COVID-19 pandemic, which led to a significant increase in online shopping. The company's website is now frequently accessed by millions of consumers who previously made in-person purchases. The company's IT operations have been critical to this transition and their success has been described as essential to overall growth. The company has relied on NETSCOUT’s service assurance solutions and Premium Support Engineering (PSE) resources for visibility into their redundant data center operations for several years.
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The company decided to extend their commitment to NETSCOUT to meet their growing e-commerce business monitoring demands and address other visibility and troubleshooting challenges. They upgraded their nGeniusONE Service Assurance platform licensing to accommodate deployment on Linux virtual environments. They also deployed NETSCOUT Certified ISNG software appliances to visualize critical data center and e-commerce environments, improve their lab environment views, and support 100GB network speeds. The nGeniusPULSE infrastructure monitoring platform and nPoint hardware and virtual sensors were deployed to conduct synthetic testing that assessed remote user experience. This helped visualize and resolve issues related to both their Google Workspace environment and database authentication problems. Additionally, they added PSE consulting resources to further augment the IT Operators responsible for managing the nGeniusONE, ISNG, and nGeniusPULSE environments.
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The company was able to sustain e-commerce sales with real-time views and proactive monitoring of their website performance.
They closed IT blind spots in their data center, remote client, and network edges to improve monitoring and troubleshooting.
The company was able to assure reliable e-commerce platform performance, even during high traffic periods such as 'Black Friday' and throughout the holiday season.
Daily website traffic doubled in the early stages of the pandemic.
E-commerce business volumes reached millions of dollars in hourly transactions.
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