Element Fleet Management Case Studies Reducing maintenance costs for material handling equipment
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Reducing maintenance costs for material handling equipment

Element Fleet Management
Functional Applications - Fleet Management Systems (FMS)
Logistics & Transportation
Fleet Management
Remote Asset Management
System Integration
The customer, a business services company, was under intense pressure to reduce costs associated with its material handling equipment used in its facilities. The customer operated approximately 70 units, mostly forklifts, in 11 sites around the United States. Each facility handled its own maintenance needs using a variety of manufacturers/providers. There was no centralized oversight or visibility into costs and effectiveness. The lack of centralized oversight led to a lack of visibility into the actual number of units and the costs associated with their maintenance.
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The customer is a business services company that operates a service fleet with trucks, vans, and material handling equipment. The fleet consists of over 70 forklifts spread over 11 facilities. The company was under intense pressure to reduce costs associated with its material handling equipment. Each facility handled its own maintenance needs using a variety of manufacturers/providers. There was no centralized oversight or visibility into costs and effectiveness.
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Element Fleet Management conducted thorough, on-site surveys of the customer’s material handling equipment inventory and uncovered more units than the customer thought it had. As a brand-neutral third party, Element was able to incorporate all the OEMs the customer had been using into an open network of providers. Now all maintenance transactions and billing came through Element to manage. A material handling equipment analyst, with 20 years of forklift experience, was dedicated to the customer’s account; he audited and analyzed all repair invoices, and negotiated invoice credits and adjustments where costs/repairs were above industry standards.
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With Element managing the maintenance process and ensuring that proposed work was necessary and priced properly, the customer benefited from enhanced uptime, as Element ensured the work was done in a timely manner to maximize asset productivity.
In addition, the customer now has complete visibility into its assets and costs, as well as seamless and comprehensive administration with consolidated billing and payment of supplier invoices.
$36,000 savings in the first quarter after implementation
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