Bandwidth Case Studies Red Oxygen: Revolutionizing Business Communication with SMS Integration
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Red Oxygen: Revolutionizing Business Communication with SMS Integration

Sensors - Gas Sensors
Equipment & Machinery
Construction Management
Time Sensitive Networking
System Integration
Red Oxygen, a company that has been helping businesses connect with their customers via SMS for nearly 20 years, identified a significant challenge in the business communication landscape. The company recognized that while businesses of all sizes and industries strive to connect with their customers, the traditional methods of communication were becoming less effective. Emails, for instance, could go hours or even days without being read. On the other hand, 90% of text messages are read within the first 3 minutes, making SMS a more reliable and immediate form of communication. However, the challenge lay in implementing SMS into existing applications or software, which typically requires significant developer time and resources. This was a major barrier, especially for smaller companies that lacked in-house resources, and larger companies that couldn't spare their developers from other projects.
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Red Oxygen's customers are businesses of all sizes and across various industries that aim to improve their communication with their customers. These businesses range from small dentist offices sending appointment reminders to their patients, hotels sending room updates to their guests, to large corporations sending service alerts to their customers around the world. Red Oxygen's solution is particularly beneficial for smaller companies that lack the in-house resources to implement SMS into their infrastructure, and larger companies that can't spare their developers from other projects. The company's solution has been adopted by large corporations like Panasonic, demonstrating its scalability and effectiveness.
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Red Oxygen devised a solution that would make it simple for any company to enable SMS using their existing tools, thereby eliminating the need for extensive developer time and resources. The company offers products that allow businesses to integrate SMS into their existing infrastructure, using tools like Outlook, Gmail, Excel, or their own CRM to send text messages to their customers. This solution has made it possible for businesses of all sizes, from small hotels to large corporations like Panasonic, to easily integrate SMS into their communication strategies. To establish themselves in the US market, Red Oxygen partnered with Bandwidth, a company that could offer them reliable message delivery and competitive pricing. Bandwidth's nationwide network and relationships with other carriers allowed Red Oxygen to ensure their messages met CTIA standards for content and volume, reducing the risk of them being blocked.
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Red Oxygen's solution has revolutionized business communication by removing the barriers to implementing SMS. By allowing businesses to integrate SMS using their existing tools, the company has eliminated the need for extensive developer time and resources, making SMS integration accessible for businesses of all sizes. Furthermore, the company's partnership with Bandwidth has ensured reliable message delivery and competitive pricing, further enhancing the effectiveness of their solution. As a result, Red Oxygen has become an integral part of companies both large and small, helping them connect with their customers more effectively and efficiently.
90% of text messages are read within the first 3 minutes, improving the immediacy and reliability of business communication.
Red Oxygen's partnership with Bandwidth allowed them to meet CTIA standards for content and volume, reducing the risk of messages being blocked.
The pricing advantage offered by Bandwidth allowed Red Oxygen to make the US their #1 market, with US-based numbers accounting for 55% of the messages being sent.
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