Zapier Case Studies Real-Time Lead Data Tracking for Marketing Company
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Real-Time Lead Data Tracking for Marketing Company

Analytics & Modeling - Real Time Analytics
Cities & Municipalities
Sales & Marketing
Smart City Operations
Time Sensitive Networking

Sixth City Marketing, a marketing agency, was facing a significant challenge in managing and updating lead data for their numerous clients in real time. The agency was coordinating lead generation campaigns for most of their clients, which meant they were managing multiple lead funnels simultaneously. The process of logging in, exporting, formatting, cross-checking data, and analytics was time-consuming. Their client spreadsheets weren't regularly updated, which often left them unprepared for spontaneous client calls. As the agency brought on more clients, the time required to manually update each client's lead spreadsheets became unmanageable.

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Sixth City Marketing is a marketing agency that prides itself on making data-based decisions to ensure results for their clients. They specialize in building unique marketing campaigns tailored to meet their clients' goals. The agency coordinates lead generation campaigns for most of their clients, managing multiple lead funnels simultaneously. As they continued to bring on more clients, the need for an efficient and streamlined way to track and update lead data became increasingly critical.

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To address this challenge, Sixth City Marketing turned to Zapier, a tool that helped them automate the process of new lead data collection. Most of their clients used Wufoo forms to collect lead data, which Sixth City Marketing had been manually adding to Google Sheets, a task that took hours every week. With Zapier, they were able to automatically send new leads collected on their clients' Wufoo forms to a personalized Google Sheet for each client. This allowed them to send accurate monthly reports to their clients and have up-to-date data for client check-in calls at a moment's notice. The automation of this process made their reporting process quicker, saved their account manager time, and reduced stress.

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The automation of lead collection created a more efficient process for employees at Sixth City Marketing. It also improved the experience for their customers, as it helped alleviate many mid-month questions from clients. The real-time spreadsheets allowed clients to easily review performance and leads at any given time during the month, freeing up the team to focus on implementing other strategies to help them grow. The automation also provided a competitive advantage for Sixth City Marketing, as sharing real-time lead data was not a common practice among their competitors. Additionally, Zapier helped streamline other processes such as employee onboarding and team communication, further enhancing operational efficiency.

Significant reduction in time spent on logging in, exporting, formatting, cross-checking data, and analytics.

Ability to manage and update lead data for an increasing number of clients without additional time investment.

Real-time updating of client spreadsheets, enabling immediate access to up-to-date data for client check-in calls.

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