Altair Case Studies Rapid Design and Collaboration: The Ford Focus STREET Case Study
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Rapid Design and Collaboration: The Ford Focus STREET Case Study

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The Ford Focus STREET collaborative team faced a significant challenge: they had only six weeks to complete a design for a specialty vehicle based on the Ford Focus platform. The project was a collaboration between Ford Racing, Altair Engineering, Bayer MaterialScience LLC, and PPG Industries. The design had to be unique and stylish, particularly above the belt line of the vehicle, which was critical for the Specialty Equipment Market Association (SEMA) show. The team also had to overcome logistical challenges such as sourcing the right materials in the appropriate color and developing inexpensive tooling for the molding of the parts. PPG had to check its inventory for the raw stock of Solextra, a blue glass that imparts a distinctive look, and adjust its manufacturing processes to fabricate the specialty glass. They also had to formulate and deliver a complementary color for the vehicle’s exterior finish within the tight timeframe.
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The customer in this case is Ford Racing, a division of Ford Motor Company that is responsible for its racing operations. Ford Racing sought to develop an aftermarket body kit for distribution through its own channels, marking the first time it had done so. The body kit was to be based on the Ford Focus platform, and Ford Racing supplied Altair with several components as well as proprietary design data to facilitate the design process. The goal was to deliver a specialty vehicle in time for the SEMA show, demonstrating the collaborative efforts and technology of Altair Engineering, Ford Racing, Bayer MaterialScience LLC, and PPG Industries.
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The team overcame these challenges through effective collaboration and the use of innovative technologies. Bayer MaterialScience utilized its polycarbonate glazing technology to replace traditional glass on the vehicle with a polycarbonate that is injection-moldable. This allowed for unique designs and styling for automotive glazing applications. The polycarbonate and polycarbonate glazing technology, along with Bayer’s processing expertise, enabled Altair to include a highly stylized roof and liftgate/backlight on the vehicle. This resulted in an approximate 40% to 50% reduction in mass relative to glass. PPG managed to deliver both its Solextra glass and automotive paint within the tight timeframe. Ford supplied Altair with several components as well as proprietary design data so that they could design the body kit for the vehicle.
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The successful completion of the Ford Focus STREET project within the tight six-week timeframe demonstrated the power of collaboration and the effective use of innovative technologies. The team was able to overcome significant logistical and design challenges to deliver a unique and stylish vehicle that was well-received at the SEMA show. The project also marked the first time Ford Racing developed an aftermarket body kit for distribution through its own channels, expanding its product offerings. The use of polycarbonate glazing technology not only enabled unique designs but also resulted in a significant reduction in mass relative to glass, demonstrating the potential for this technology in future automotive applications.
Completed the design within a tight six-week timeframe
Achieved an approximate 40% to 50% reduction in mass relative to glass thanks to the use of polycarbonate glazing technology
Developed an aftermarket body kit for distribution through Ford Racing for the first time
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