Radware Case Studies Radware ADC-VX™ Virtualization Solution Enables P&T to Launch High-Performing Cloud Computing Services
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Radware ADC-VX™ Virtualization Solution Enables P&T to Launch High-Performing Cloud Computing Services

Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) - Cloud Computing
Business Operation
Cloud Planning, Design & Implementation Services
P&Tluxembourg, the leading postal and telecommunications services provider in Luxembourg, was looking to transition into a cloud service provider. The company wanted to provide isolated private cloud environments for its customers. They needed a solution that was scalable, easily managed, and would provide a high quality of experience (QoE) for users. The company sought a cost-efficient, virtualized solution that would provide very clear isolation between customers. High quality of experience (QoE) for customers was a top priority, in order to ensure that users could access content quickly and efficiently. Also, scalability was needed to ensure P&T would be able to add new services and customers, without requiring a forklift upgrade.
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P&Tluxembourg, founded in 1842, is the leading postal and telecommunications services operator within the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg. The company provides Internet access, VOIP and mobile services for private customers and VPN VPLS, cloud storage and mobile APNs for business customers. P&T also offers electronic banking services and a wide range of postal financial services, including its CCP Connect e-banking solution. Its daughter company, LUXGSM, is the regional leader in mobile telephony. P&T is the duchy’s fifth largest employer in terms of staff size, of 3,300 people.
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After conducting a thorough investigation, P&T purchased two Radware ADC-VX devices to virtualize its ADC infrastructure in order to build a cloud computing environment. P&T chose the Radware solution for its scalability and extensive advanced features, primarily its unique ability to create segments and completely isolate customers from one another – something that no other comparable solutions offered. With ADC-VX the performance of each one of the virtual ADC instance is predictable and guaranteed, hence P&T can provide high SLA service to each one of its customers. Prior positive experience with Radware devices and services further reinforced P&T’s assessment that ADC-VX would be the best solution for its current needs.
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Radware’s ADC-VX solution provides P&T with key benefits such as complete ADC instance segregation that enables management, network and fault isolation, and instant virtual ADC provisioning for maximum business agility.
The solution also ensures high QoE, and its scalability offers P&T the flexibility it requires to efficiently meet the needs of current and new customers.
Previous experience with Radware meant that P&T is able to continue using technology and support services with which it is already familiar, without requiring the team to train on completely new technology.
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