Tableau Case Studies Productivity Renovation— Using Tableau, HomeRepair Works 6 Times More Efficiently with Fewer Staff
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Productivity Renovation— Using Tableau, HomeRepair Works 6 Times More Efficiently with Fewer Staff

Application Infrastructure & Middleware - Data Exchange & Integration
Application Infrastructure & Middleware - Data Visualization
Construction & Infrastructure
Business Operation
Process Control & Optimization
Real-Time Location System (RTLS)
Data Science Services
System Integration
HomeRepair, a company that repairs residential property damage claims on behalf of one of Australia’s largest general insurers, was facing increasing competition. The company needed to understand its performance metrics quickly to retain and build its market position. HomeRepair had the majority of its data stored in GClaim, a web-based repair administration and management solution. However, the company could not use that information in a timely manner due to the lack of an in-house IT department. HomeRepair management relied on IT vendors to run queries and reports from the SQL database, a process that was too slow for the company's needs. HomeRepair management was able to pull some data out of the SQL database and into Excel pivot tables, but the resulting reports were not very helpful. To truly understand productivity and cost-effectiveness, HomeRepair would need to look at data stored in other sources in concert with its GClaim data.
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HomeRepair is a company based in Melbourne, Victoria, Australia, with 35 employees. The company has spent the past decade repairing residential property damage claims on behalf of one of Australia’s largest general insurers. HomeRepair's primary client, the insurance company, selects its preferred repair service providers by looking at key performance areas including timeliness and cost. HomeRepair had the majority of its data stored in GClaim, a web-based repair administration and management solution developed specifically for HomeRepair. The company completes thousands of repairs each year and there are hundreds and hundreds of data points for every job. More recently, HomeRepair has equipped its tradespeople with mobile systems that input real-time information into GClaim.
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HomeRepair decided to use Tableau Software to gain insight into its performance metrics. The company selected Tableau partner, Performance Analytics, to handle the implementation and subsequent dashboard creation. Performance Analytics deployed Tableau Server inside the HomeRepair firewall for security. The HomeRepair team was impressed with the speed and flexibility of the dashboards. The company quickly grew its initial three reports to nearly 30 distinct dashboards that the company uses to manage its entire business. The HomeRepair team leaders use Tableau dashboards to see a complete task list and how long tasks have been open. HomeRepair has set service levels for each outcome measure to help teams track how performance is stacking up against expectations. Team leaders can then allocate their team members as needed to address areas where performance is likely to not meet the SLA on any measure.
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HomeRepair is completing jobs 6 times faster than before.
The company has seen other striking performance improvements across the business that they attribute to increased insight gained through Tableau.
HomeRepair has set service levels for each outcome measure to help teams track how performance is stacking up against expectations.
Completing jobs 6 times faster
20% fewer staff
Booking inspections 1.5 days faster
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