Case Studies Production Optimization of Natural Gas Pipelines & Production Facilities Using Performance Engineering
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Production Optimization of Natural Gas Pipelines & Production Facilities Using Performance Engineering

Analytics & Modeling - Predictive Analytics
Analytics & Modeling - Process Analytics
Oil & Gas
Process Manufacturing
Predictive Maintenance
Process Control & Optimization
Software Design & Engineering Services
YPFB, the national oil company in Bolivia, was experiencing a significant decline in production in two of its major gas fields, San Antonio and San Alberto. The fields were operating at full capacity to meet market demands, while projects for well compression were still under development. The company needed to increase production to meet the growing demand for natural gas in South America, particularly in Brazil and Argentina. Additionally, YPFB had to maintain regulatory compliance while covering the internal market.
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YPFB is the national oil company in Bolivia and a significant natural gas producer in South America. The company has expanded its gas export pipelines and processing facilities and made significant reserve findings in recent years. Between 2004 and 2010, Bolivia doubled its natural gas production export capacity from 680 MMSCFD to 1,360 MMSCFD. The company has major contracts to supply gas to Brazil and Argentina. Further development of the existing gas mega-fields, along with additional exploration and discovery, points to a bright future for Bolivia as it gradually becomes one of the main energy suppliers in South America.
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YPFB used Aspen HYSYS and Aspen Exchanger Design and Rating (EDR) to debottleneck operations and identify a 35% pressure decrease opportunity at the San Alberto Field. This was achieved through an increased flow capacity in the main export gas pipeline through the implementation of a pipeline compression system. The unique capabilities of Aspen HYSYS and Aspen EDR to create a rigorous integrated model of all field processing plants, sales and export pipelines, compression stations, and cryo plants contributed to a model used in plant debottlenecking, compression station capacity and efficiency checks, pipeline capacity evaluations, and flow-assurance analysis. This model predicted a 35% pressure decrease in the San Antonio Gas Processing Plant by modifying pressures in the entire pipeline system at existing full-flow requirements.
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YPFB was able to increase the total capacity of gas production by 18%.
The company was able to avoid fines and penalties by gas customers.
The integrated model of the facilities and pipelines in Aspen HYSYS increased the gas production of the San Alberto oil field by an estimated average of 8%, while the San Antonio field saw an average increase of 10%.
Revenue from the increase in production was estimated at $280 million USD in one year.
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