Case Studies
Predicting and Trading on the Cryptocurrency Markets using Alteryx
Predicting and Trading on the Cryptocurrency Markets using AlteryxAlteryx |
Analytics & Modeling - Predictive Analytics Application Infrastructure & Middleware - Blockchain | |
Equipment & Machinery | |
Maintenance Procurement | |
Movement Prediction Smart Campus | |
Data Science Services System Integration | |
Operational Impact
The use of Alteryx provided a robust framework for the Predict Crypto project. It made the process less challenging to maintain than using R or Python alone. The time savings from a development perspective allowed for the creation of a wide variety of tests and the ability to organize them and enable/disable different ones easily. The project also benefited from the ability to connect the data stream between tools in Alteryx, providing a more powerful solution than using R Studio and the Reticulate package. The project built out of Alteryx removed limitations to data capabilities as the project evolved and created a huge amount of possibilities in terms of what could be achieved in a day compared to what could be done programming in R or Python. | |