Bubble Group Case Studies Pital & Co: Streamlining Financial Forecasts with IoT and No-Code Platform
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Pital & Co: Streamlining Financial Forecasts with IoT and No-Code Platform

Bubble Group
Analytics & Modeling - Machine Learning
Platform as a Service (PaaS) - Application Development Platforms
Building Automation & Control
Time Sensitive Networking
Data Science Services
Entrepreneurs, investors, and founders often face the challenge of keeping their financial forecasts and valuations up to date. This process often involves hiring and updating firms, employees, and freelancers, which can be time-consuming and costly. The need for real-time financial forecasts and valuations is crucial for these individuals to stay on budget and understand the worth of their businesses. Joe Schnetzler, the founder of Pital & Co, identified this problem and sought to provide a solution that would streamline this process and make it more efficient.
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Pital & Co's primary customers are entrepreneurs, investors, and founders who need to keep their financial forecasts and valuations up to date. These individuals often have to engage in the painstaking process of hiring and updating firms, employees, and freelancers to keep their financial information current. With Pital & Co's app, they can get financial forecasts and valuations in seconds, helping them stay on budget and understand the worth of their businesses in real-time. The app's user-friendly interface and efficient algorithms make it an invaluable tool for these individuals.
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Pital & Co developed an app that uses machine learning tools to generate financial forecasts and valuations in seconds. After signing up, users are guided through an initial onboarding process before they head over to the Projections tab. Here, they input their past financials, marketing budget, and any other relevant information. The app's algorithms then automatically project the user's revenue for the next five years, as well as their cash flow. Once the projections are complete, users can head over to the Financials section, where they can import their projections and input additional information. Upon hitting submit, the valuation is computed and a valuation summary appears. The app was built on Bubble, a no-code platform, which allowed for a faster and more cost-effective development process.
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The use of the Bubble no-code platform for the development of the Pital & Co app has resulted in significant operational benefits. The platform has allowed for a faster and more cost-effective development process, eliminating the need for traditional programming methods. This has enabled the company to bootstrap without needing to pursue venture capital funding. Furthermore, the platform's simplicity and ease of use have allowed the company to focus on serving its users' needs without the extra hassle. The company's success so far, as evidenced by the high number of signups and positive feedback, demonstrates the effectiveness of this approach.
The app provides financial forecasts and valuations in seconds, significantly reducing the time spent on these tasks.
The app has seen a massive amount of signups in its first weeks in public beta.
The company has been featured in multiple outlets and is growing substantially every day.
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