Ecometrica Case Studies Petkim Mould CDP Report with Our Impacts
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Petkim Mould CDP Report with Our Impacts

Analytics & Modeling - Real Time Analytics
Discrete Manufacturing
Energy Management System
Regulatory Compliance Monitoring
Data Science Services
Petkim Petrochemical Holding A.S., the largest petrochemical complex in Turkey, initiated a long-term project plan for measuring and managing its GHG emissions in May 2010. The first phase of this plan included responding to the global Carbon Disclosure Project (CDP) survey. In addition, the company plans to issue its first full sustainability report in 2011, as well as identifying climate change risks and opportunities through GHG accounting, staff training, forecasting and renewable energy projects.
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Petkim Petrochemical Holding A.S. is a major producer of basic and intermediate petrochemical raw materials with a total core production capacity of 1,916,000 tons. Established in 1965, Petkim is the largest petrochemical complex in Turkey with 14 plants and 17 product lines with 7 auxiliary plants. The company’s share in the domestic market is more than 25% and it competes with Chevron and ExxonMobil internationally. The petrochemicals sector is amongst the most energy-intensive sectors, with up to 70% of the total energy cost coming from production. The sector has become more competitive due to global demands for less carbon-intensive products.
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In partnership with Gaia Carbon Management, Ecometrica implemented the Our Impacts platform to measure, calculate and report Petkim’s 2009 GHG emissions for disclosure to the CDP. Ecometrica’s expert analysts assisted Petkim with their data gathering, while Gaia worked alongside Petkim to make strong emissions reduction and energy efficiency recommendations based on the Our Impacts reports.
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As a result of measuring, reporting and analysing their GHG emissions, Petkim were able to identify areas where energy efficiency savings and renewable energy projects could be implemented.
The first of these projects, to be commissioned in 2011, will see Petkim construct a 25 megawatt wind power plant to provide electricity to its manufacturing sites.
Petkim has also developed 43 small-scale energy efficiency projects, of which 23 are in progress.
Projects underway that will save 90,000 tCO2e per year
Developing a 25 MW wind power plant in 2011
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