Bubble Group Case Studies Pet Minder: Streamlining Pet Care with IoT
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Pet Minder: Streamlining Pet Care with IoT

Bubble Group
Platform as a Service (PaaS) - Application Development Platforms
Product Research & Development
Additive Manufacturing
Rapid Prototyping
Virtual Reality
Hardware Design & Engineering Services
Edward Buchholz, the founder of Pet Minder, identified a common problem among pet owners with shifting schedules. It was challenging to keep track of when their 14-year-old Border Collie, Dottie, had been walked or fed. The lack of a centralized system to log, share, and track pet-care activities led to confusion and potential overfeeding or underfeeding of pets. The challenge was to create a user-friendly tool that would allow pet owners to record and share pet-care activities in real-time, thereby ensuring that the pet's needs were met adequately and timely.
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The primary customers of Pet Minder are pet owners who have shifting schedules or multiple caregivers for their pets. These could include married couples, roommates, or individuals who have someone watching their pet while they're away. The app is also beneficial for those who want to keep a detailed log of their pet's care activities, such as walks, feeding times, and medication. The app's user-friendly interface and real-time logging system make it an ideal tool for pet owners who want to ensure their pets are receiving adequate care.
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Edward leveraged the power of Bubble's no-code platform to create Pet Minder, an app that allows pet owners to log, share, and track pet-care activities easily. The app, which can be accessed via the web, iOS App Store, or Google Play Store, allows users to create an account, add their pets, and start logging activities. The app also has a feature that allows users to add caregivers for their pets, who can also contribute to the log. This real-time logging system ensures that all caregivers are updated about the pet's care activities, preventing any accidental overfeeding or underfeeding. The app was built in just seven days, from concept to App Store approval, demonstrating the efficiency of Bubble's no-code platform.
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The creation of Pet Minder has significantly streamlined the process of pet care for its users. The real-time logging system has eliminated confusion and ensured that pets are receiving adequate care. The ability to add caregivers to a pet's account has also improved communication between caregivers, ensuring that everyone is updated about the pet's care activities. Furthermore, the app's user-friendly interface has made it easy for users to log activities, making pet care a more manageable task. The success of Pet Minder has also demonstrated the potential of no-code platforms like Bubble in creating efficient and effective solutions to everyday problems.
Pet Minder was built in just seven days, from concept to App Store approval.
In the first four weeks of launching, Pet Minder had a few hundred people join the app.
Dozens of pet logs are created on the app every day.
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