Google Cloud Platform Case Studies PDX + Looker: Helping Pharmacies to Help Patients
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PDX + Looker: Helping Pharmacies to Help Patients

Google Cloud Platform
Application Infrastructure & Middleware - Data Visualization
Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) - Cloud Databases
Healthcare & Hospitals
Business Operation
Quality Assurance
Predictive Quality Analytics
Data Science Services
PDX, a market leader in pharmacy management software and services, faced challenges with limited access in the type of reporting they could run on their data. The company's existing system was text-based, and pharmacies had to load their own data into their own data warehouse. This setup was not efficient and did not provide a good visual representation of the data. PDX realized that these limitations would present issues down the road and started looking for a more efficient way to present data in a more concise way.
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PDX has been a market leader in pharmacy management software and services for over 30 years. The company's products and services are used by over 10,000 pharmacies in the United States to provide patient care, accounting services, and reporting tools for operational management. PDX's client base consists of pharmacies that need to load their own data into their own data warehouse. The company's goal is to provide a good visual representation of data to its clients.
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PDX decided to use Looker for reporting on top of their own suite of applications. This helped PDX to build a powerfully customizable in-house analytics tool. The company also used Snowflake in tandem with Looker to find the right balance of power and flexibility needed to roll out their services to their customers. With this new level of data access, PDX’s customers are getting more value out of their data, visualizing, slicing and dicing to find ways to better serve their customers and utilize their own data. Visualizations simplify what they’re looking at, so anyone can do their own slicing and dicing of the data to find answers themselves.
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PDX was able to build a powerfully customizable in-house analytics tool using Looker.
The company found the right balance of power and flexibility needed to roll out their services to their customers using Looker in tandem with Snowflake.
PDX’s customers are getting more value out of their data, visualizing, slicing and dicing to find ways to better serve their customers and utilize their own data.
By the end of 2018, over ¾ of PDX's pharmacies will be using Looker in some way or another.
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