FORCAM Case Studies Overcome Challenges in the Medical Device Industry

Overcome Challenges in the Medical Device Industry

Platform as a Service (PaaS) - Connectivity Platforms
Platform as a Service (PaaS) - Data Management Platforms
Healthcare & Hospitals
Discrete Manufacturing
Quality Assurance
Predictive Maintenance
Manufacturing System Automation
Track & Trace of Assets
Cloud Planning, Design & Implementation Services
System Integration
The medical device industry is a major part of the UK high value manufacturing sector, contributing billions every year to the economy. However, as the pace of technological change quickens, there is a need to control and manage production. This is particularly the case when new products are introduced and product integrity needs to be guaranteed. The faster the market moves, the more frequent changes in manufacturing processes come - and this is where errors increase. The human element bridging production systems always has the potential to introduce errors. The answer to this problem has come in form of Industry 4.0 solutions. Introducing Industry 4.0 and the application of manufacturing execution systems (MES) can mitigate many risks to product integrity.
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The customer in this case study is the medical device industry, specifically in the United States and the United Kingdom. The industry contributes billions every year to the economy and is a major part of the UK high value manufacturing sector. The industry employs over 500,000 people and generates an annual revenue of $173 billion. The industry is characterized by a fast-paced market and frequent changes in manufacturing processes. The industry is also faced with the challenge of ensuring product integrity, especially when new products are introduced. The human element in the production systems often introduces errors, which Industry 4.0 solutions aim to mitigate.
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The solution to the challenges faced by the medical device industry is the introduction of Industry 4.0 and the application of manufacturing execution systems (MES). These systems can mitigate many risks to product integrity. Key characteristics of these systems include ERP-driven configuration control, data recording for a complete record, real-time analysis of production data, data collection on machine status, order status, and role-relevant reporting. By managing manufacturing instructions, delivering directly to work stations and execution of operations the MES system can ensure all steps are tracked and validated, thereby giving a complete proof of process to guarantee component configuration. The MES system can also ensure that manufacturing operations run smoothly and avoid losses in machine utilization and performance. It can offer event-driven reporting and alerting, and let you know about unplanned machine downtime, material shortages or quality issues.
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Substantial reduction of human interference in critical processes
Traceability throughout all manufacturing processes
Event-driven reporting for immediate action
Over 100,000 manufacturing assets monitored worldwide
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