Dynatrace Case Studies Optimizing Mirsal Performance and Enhancing Customer Experience: A Dubai Customs Case Study
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Optimizing Mirsal Performance and Enhancing Customer Experience: A Dubai Customs Case Study

Cybersecurity & Privacy - Identity & Authentication Management
Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) - Private Cloud
Construction & Infrastructure
Product Research & Development
Quality Assurance
Behavior & Emotion Tracking
Real-Time Location System (RTLS)
Testing & Certification
Dubai Customs, a leading customs administration globally, was facing challenges in managing the performance and availability of its digital services. The organization relied on a variety of legacy monitoring solutions, many of which were native to its infrastructure spanning traditional data center and private cloud environments. Development teams used their preferred testing tools to ensure new builds met the required standards before being released to production. This fragmented approach resulted in delays to innovation and performance blind spots, often leaving Dubai Customs unaware of problems until customers reported them. A key concern was the performance of Mirsal, a collection of mission-critical applications used to process the movement of goods in and out of Dubai. Any failure in these applications could lead to long delays and tailbacks at the border, potentially causing commodities with a limited shelf-life to spoil.
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Dubai Customs is the world’s leading customs administration for legitimate trades, facilitating secured customs globally. It covers all Dubai airports, seaports, and land borders with a workforce of 3,000 employees spread across 25 customs centers. The organization is committed to transforming its services to provide smart platforms that help drive a thriving online business in the UAE. A key part of this transformation is Mirsal, a collection of mission-critical applications used to process the movement of goods in and out of Dubai. Any failure in these applications can lead to long delays and tailbacks at the border, potentially causing commodities with a limited shelf-life to spoil.
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Dubai Customs identified the need for end-to-end, real-time observability across its applications and infrastructure to improve the reliability of its services and help teams resolve issues before they impacted customers. After evaluating the market, Dubai Customs identified Dynatrace as the best solution for its needs. Dynatrace’s ability to automatically capture every user transaction, rather than relying on random sampling to baseline performance, offered Dubai Customs visibility into every user journey and precise, AI-powered answers into the impact of any performance problems on their experience. With Dynatrace’s full stack monitoring capabilities, teams could run all tests with a single solution when promoting new code to production. This reduced the number of tests its teams needed to conduct for each new release from approximately 30, to just three. Dynatrace’s Digital Experience Monitoring (DEM) module enabled Dubai Customs to be more proactive in ensuring a smooth customer experience.
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The implementation of Dynatrace has streamlined performance testing, accelerated Dubai Customs’ time-to-market for new digital services and application updates, and enhanced customer service. The system has enabled Dubai Customs to capture tracking numbers on the backend, identify the user, and create a dashboard to provide its customer service team with all the insights they need to understand the problem. This has allowed the organization to be more proactive in ensuring a smooth customer experience. In the future, its goal is to enable service teams to use these insights to proactively reach out to customers and resolve issues for them faster. Additionally, the open and extensible nature of Dynatrace has allowed Dubai Customs to capture custom metrics, putting more data about the outcomes that matter most to its business into actionable context.
90% reduction in tests, from 30 to 3 per release
Full visibility speeds up release cycle by 70%
Real-time insights enable better decision-making
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