Drift Case Studies Optimizing Account-Based Marketing: A Case Study on Qualtrics
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Optimizing Account-Based Marketing: A Case Study on Qualtrics

Application Infrastructure & Middleware - Data Exchange & Integration
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Oil & Gas
Sales & Marketing
Time Sensitive Networking
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Testing & Certification

Qualtrics, a company synonymous with experience management, faced a challenge in optimizing their website for all visitors, particularly target accounts. Despite having traditional channels set up for users to interact with their brand, such as filling out a form on their website or talking to sales via phone or email, they lacked a digital aspect. The team wanted to ensure that no matter the channel, a user could get in touch with their sales team. They also aimed to build an incremental pipeline through the website and generate net-new names from website visitors. Simultaneously, they were rolling out a comprehensive account-based marketing (ABM) strategy, aiming to enhance their existing good practices.

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Qualtrics is a company that specializes in experience management across customers, employees, products, and brands. They aim to be present at every meaningful touchpoint for every experience and predict which changes will resonate most with stakeholders. With a wide range of solutions and a high volume of prospects visiting their site every day, the company wanted to ensure that their website was optimized for all visitors, particularly target accounts. They had traditional channels set up for users to interact with their brand, but they lacked a digital aspect that would allow users to easily get in touch with their brand.

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In 2018, Qualtrics launched Drift, a platform that allowed users to get in touch with their sales team, regardless of the channel. The team had two primary goals in deploying Drift: to build an incremental pipeline through the website and to generate net-new names from website visitors. As part of their ABM strategy, they implemented 6sense, a platform that provided them with intent data from third-party websites. This allowed them to understand what topics their accounts were researching. They then layered these insights into Drift, which helped them segment intent-based audiences in 6sense and use that data to create targeted Drift playbooks. They also tailored their messaging to reflect where the buyer was in their journey, offering different content based on the buyer's familiarity with Qualtrics.

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The integration of Drift and 6sense into Qualtrics' ABM programs has led to significant operational results. The company has been able to create a better buying experience for their customers by using keyword data from 6sense to customize the homepage bot based on the visitor's potential product interest. This has reduced the number of touch points required to find the right product fit. The integration has also allowed Qualtrics to be more targeted in terms of product interest and account fit, reducing the friction for customers to talk to their sales team. This has resulted in a win-win-win situation for customers, marketing, and sales. Furthermore, the company has seen a significant increase in email capture rate and conversation to opportunity rate.

150% lift in email capture rate

38X increase in conversation to opportunity rate

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