Optibus Case Studies Optibus: Streamlining Daily Operations for Via Ouro
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Optibus: Streamlining Daily Operations for Via Ouro

Functional Applications - Transportation Management Systems (TMS)
Platform as a Service (PaaS) - Application Development Platforms
Logistics & Transportation
Public Transportation Management
Transportation Simulation
System Integration
Via Ouro, an urban transportation operator in Nova Lima, Minas Gerais, Brazil, was grappling with the challenges of manual planning and scheduling of their bus routes. The company was struggling with heavy traffic and congestion in the region, and the unpredictability of daily operations. The situation was further exacerbated by the COVID-19 pandemic, which led to a 70% drop in ridership across most public transportation providers. The company was also dealing with the issue of fleet optimization, with many buses idling unused at stops and terminals. The need for a solution that could help them optimize their resource usage and reallocate buses to reduce idleness was evident.
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Via Ouro is an urban transportation operator based in Nova Lima, Minas Gerais, Brazil. The company operates 17 routes with a fleet of 50 vehicles. Prior to implementing Optibus, Via Ouro relied on manual processes for planning and scheduling work. The company faced challenges stemming from heavy traffic and congestion in the region, and the unpredictability of daily operations. The COVID-19 pandemic further complicated matters, leading to a significant drop in ridership. Via Ouro needed a solution that could help them optimize their resource usage, reduce idleness, and improve their overall operational efficiency.
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Via Ouro turned to Optibus, a software platform that optimizes mass transportation operations, in early 2021. Optibus combines a user-friendly dashboard with advanced tools to help transportation agencies and operators plan bus routes, schedule lines, and create optimal driver and vehicle rosters. The platform uses advanced optimization algorithms and artificial intelligence (AI) to allow users to quickly implement service changes in response to unforeseen events. This enables better usage of vehicle resources and personnel hours, leading to reduced expenses and increased productivity. Optibus also allows for the alignment of service supply and demand, increasing efficiency and schedule frequency during peak ridership hours and on popular routes. The cloud-based platform facilitates remote collaboration and its user-friendly interface enables users of all backgrounds to master the platform.
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The implementation of Optibus has significantly streamlined Via Ouro's daily operations. The platform's advanced optimization algorithms and AI have enabled the company to quickly adapt to unforeseen events and make efficient use of their vehicle resources and personnel hours. The cloud-based platform has also facilitated remote collaboration, a crucial feature during the pandemic. The user-friendly interface has made it easy for Via Ouro's staff to master the platform, with the support offered by the Optibus team being instrumental in this process. The platform has also stimulated curiosity among the staff about the technology and how to learn more, indicating a positive shift in the company's approach to technology.
70% drop in ridership managed effectively during the pandemic
Significant reduction in idle buses at stops and terminals
Increased schedule frequency during peak ridership hours and on popular routes
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