SenseGrow Case Studies Operational Efficiency through IoT
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Operational Efficiency through IoT

Operational Efficiency through IoT - SenseGrow Industrial IoT Case Study
Platform as a Service (PaaS) - Data Management Platforms
Sensors - Utility Meters
Oil & Gas
Business Operation
Advanced Metering Infrastructure

A GSPC (Gujarat State Petroleum Corporation) Group company; GSPL is a pioneer in developing energy transportation infrastructure and connecting natural gas supply sources including LNG terminals to growing markets. The company transports over 22.99 MMSCMD of natural gas to around 133 Customers. Their customers include Refineries, Steel Plants, Fertilizer Plants, Petrochemical Plants, Power Plants, Glass industries, Textiles, Chemical, City Gas Distribution Companies and other miscellaneous industries. The major challenges GSPL was facing were: - Prohibitively High Energy Bills. - Lack of Monitoring Solutions to track energy consumption across the entire pipeline. - Inability to Gather Data from all 124 terminal stations into a central location. - Inability to do a Comprehensive Data Analysis to balance consumption. Requirements In addition to addressing the challenges, GSPL also had some additional requirements, such as: - Automated Data Collection. - Alarms and Alerts for specific electrical parameters that require special attention. - Actionable Insights for Proactive and Autonomous energy management. - Online Platform to monitor, analyze and act. - Centralized Remote Monitoring and Analysis.

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Gujarat State Petronet Limited (GSPL)
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Gujarat State Petronet Limited
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A comprehensive audit of the facility was performed to understand the problem. SenseGrow’s partner, LogicLadderTM, used ioEYETM to deploy their energy-monitoring product and brought GSPL data in to our platform. Data of various energy parameters was collected continuously and in real time. This data was used to present daily and monthly reports, based on which GSPL was able to reduce their energy bills. The Energy intelligence services provided by SenseGrow enabled our client to take a structured approach towards energy management.

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Energy Consumption Rate, Operation Performance
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[Management Effectiveness - Big Data Analysis]
Provided “Actionable Insights” for energy management.
[Efficiency Improvement - Labor]
Improved operational accountability of the engineering staff.

Reduced energy bills by 11%

Online Monitoring of all 124 PV stations at a central location (Head-Quarters)

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