Bubble Group Case Studies One Pager Tool: A No-Code Solution for Raising Capital
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One Pager Tool: A No-Code Solution for Raising Capital

Bubble Group
Platform as a Service (PaaS) - Application Development Platforms
Equipment & Machinery
Building Automation & Control
The One Pager Tool was developed to address the challenges faced by entrepreneurs when raising capital. The process of raising capital is often complex and requires a clear, succinct story to attract potential investors. However, many entrepreneurs struggle with crafting a compelling narrative and tracking interested investors. Additionally, the founder, Tim Cooley, identified a need for affordable tools that could assist in this process. As an entrepreneur himself, he was aware of the high costs associated with developing such tools and sought a solution that would not require significant financial investment.
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The primary customers of the One Pager Tool are entrepreneurs seeking funding for their businesses. These individuals often struggle with the process of raising capital, particularly in crafting a succinct and compelling narrative about their company. They also face challenges in tracking potential investors. The tool is also used by Tim Cooley's clients, as it was initially developed for internal use. The tool has been opened up to the wider public on timlcooley.com, attracting users who are in the process of raising capital and have found the tool through resources like The Pitch Deck Book: How To Present Your Business And Secure Investors.
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The One Pager Tool, built on the Bubble no-code platform, provides a simple and cost-effective solution for entrepreneurs seeking to raise capital. The app guides users through a series of questions to help them develop a concise one-page story about their company. Once the One Pager is live, it can be shared with potential investors. The app also requires investors to enter their email address, enabling entrepreneurs to keep track of who is interested in their company. The use of a no-code platform like Bubble allowed for a cost-effective development process, with the added benefit of customization options and resources.
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The One Pager Tool has proven to be a valuable resource for entrepreneurs seeking to raise capital. It has simplified the process of crafting a compelling narrative, making it more accessible for individuals who may not have a background in storytelling or marketing. The tool has also improved the tracking of potential investors, providing entrepreneurs with valuable insights into who is interested in their company. Furthermore, the use of a no-code platform has made the tool affordable and accessible, demonstrating the potential of no-code solutions in addressing business challenges.
The tool was used by hundreds of people on the day it went live.
Over 100 people have used the tool on timlcooley.com.
The tool has helped many users in the process of raising capital.
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