Extensiv Case Studies Nomad's Journey: From Kickstarter to Global Brand with Skubana
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Nomad's Journey: From Kickstarter to Global Brand with Skubana

Functional Applications - Inventory Management Systems
Functional Applications - Warehouse Management Systems (WMS)
Sales & Marketing
Warehouse & Inventory Management
Inventory Management
Picking, Sorting & Positioning
Nomad Goods, a company that started as a Kickstarter project in 2012, had grown significantly over the years, expanding their product line and business strategy. By 2018, they offered over thirty products and distributed through retailers such as Best Buy, Urban Outfitters, and Staples. However, with the expansion of sales, product line, warehouses, and sales channels, inventory management became a major challenge. The lack of a single source of truth for their inventory led to daily miscommunications and dissatisfaction from customers. Operational alignment meetings often took precedence over discussions about new product launches and promotional plans. Nomad’s Co-Founder & COO, Brian Hahn, spent most of his day over spreadsheets, estimating inventory in transit, at their 3PL, and in their internal warehouse. This process involved logging into multiple platforms, exporting data, and analyzing it in Excel.
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Nomad Goods is a company that started as a Kickstarter project in 2012 with a vision for a discrete and portable charging device called the ChargeCard. The project gained attention from major media outlets and tripled their target funding goal, raising $161,897. Over the years, Nomad expanded their product line and business strategy, offering over thirty products by 2018. They distributed their products through major retailers such as Best Buy, Urban Outfitters, and Staples. However, with the expansion of their business, they faced significant challenges in inventory management.
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In July of 2018, Nomad switched to Skubana, an inventory management service, after a recommendation from a friend. Skubana was adaptable to the nuances faced by a brand like Nomad, selling hundreds of SKUs across multiple channels. It allowed Nomad to have inventory in transit and warehoused in multiple locations, a feature not found in many other platforms. The transition to Skubana took only four weeks, significantly less than the nine months it took to implement their previous inventory management system. Skubana provided a 'God-mode' for Nomad, giving them a comprehensive view of their operations. It also helped Nomad execute a marketplace strategy, enabling them to sell on Amazon.
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Switching to Skubana significantly improved Nomad's operational efficiency. The platform provided a single source of truth for their inventory, reducing miscommunications and customer dissatisfaction. It also freed up time for the team to focus on new product launches and promotional plans, rather than operational alignment meetings. The 'God-mode' feature of Skubana gave Nomad a comprehensive view of their operations, enabling them to make informed decisions. Furthermore, Skubana helped Nomad execute a successful marketplace strategy, allowing them to expand their sales channels to include Amazon.
Sales increased by 300% after integrating Skubana
Order volume on Nomad's Shopify site grew an average of 14.6 percent every month after switching to Skubana
Order volume on Amazon grew an average of 125 percent every month after switching to Skubana
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