Marvel Case Studies Nokia's Global Collaboration Success with Marvel
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Nokia's Global Collaboration Success with Marvel

Application Infrastructure & Middleware - Middleware, SDKs & Libraries
Platform as a Service (PaaS) - Application Development Platforms
Construction & Infrastructure
Product Research & Development
Quality Assurance
Construction Management
Experimentation Automation
Testing & Certification
Nokia, a global communications and technology company, faced the challenge of effective collaboration and communication among its 90,000 employees spread across multiple locations. The company's UX design teams were distributed across India, Bulgaria, Canada, Portugal, and Finland, making it difficult to work cohesively due to different time zones. The two main groups that benefited from a collaboration platform were Cloud and Network Services (CNS) and Network Infrastructure. The CNS team was part of the Common Software Foundation, an initiative to bring CNS applications together into a coherent software suite. The UX designers worked on three legs of the design system, core UI widgets, mapping, and charting. However, the company was at a stage where design was important but received little funding.
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Nokia is a leading global communications and technology company with 90,000 employees located all around the world. The company's UX design teams are spread across India, Bulgaria, Canada, Portugal, and Finland. The two main groups that benefit from a collaboration platform are Cloud and Network Services (CNS) and Network Infrastructure. The CNS team is part of the Common Software Foundation, an initiative to bring CNS applications together into a coherent software suite. The company's overarching design language is called FreeForm UX and it ensures the 3 areas are unified in their design principles. Nokia is at a stage where design is important but receives little funding.
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Nokia adopted Marvel, a platform that facilitated effective collaboration and communication among its globally distributed teams. Marvel was instrumental in building a new design system and supporting product development. It helped with the foundational work for Nokia's demo site and design library, including delivery improvements such as fully integrated usage guidance, introduction of theming and tokenization, improved icon library, and support for right to left languages from the Middle East. Marvel's remote User Testing tools provided support to decision making and approval from stakeholders. During the research phase of the design process, Nokia leveraged Marvel User Testing in conjunction with moderated remote concept testing and usability testing to generate heat maps and statistics for users’ interactions with the GUI. This helped to provide supporting information for user tests and more accurately defend design decisions around navigation patterns for some applications.
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The adoption of Marvel has enabled Nokia to foster a culture of Design Thinking and experimentation throughout the customer journey. This has resulted in effective R&D and lower cost of services and care, thereby strengthening the value of design within a software business. With Marvel, Nokia has been able to continue with very little disruption while collaborating on design ideas across the company, even amidst changes to remote working. Marvel has also provided a partnership with Enterprise customers like Nokia, including a dedicated Customer Success Manager, training, and resources to suit each customer. This has allowed the Nokia team to work more closely within their teams, aiding in their development of innovative products and strengthening their culture of design.
320 people using Marvel for collaboration across the company
A new version of the design system was released with Marvel's help
Marvel's remote User Testing tools provided support to decision making and approval from stakeholders
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