Watershed Case Studies New Relic's Rapid Transition to Net-Zero Emissions
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New Relic's Rapid Transition to Net-Zero Emissions

Platform as a Service (PaaS) - Application Development Platforms
Sensors - Dimension & Displacement Sensors
Logistics & Transportation
Continuous Emission Monitoring Systems
Supply Chain Visibility
New Relic, a leading observability platform, was at the beginning of its climate journey two years ago. The company was keen to understand its carbon footprint, a priority at the Board and executive level, due to increasing interest from stakeholders, investors, and employees. However, the company lacked the direct experience to tackle this challenge. New Relic needed a partner to help fast track a data-driven climate plan. The company wanted to measure its carbon footprint, which was critical to any future action, and desired a hands-on approach. New Relic was looking for a platform that provided access to dashboards and insights about its emissions throughout the year, rather than a one-time annual snapshot.
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New Relic is a global company that empowers engineers with a data-driven approach to creating software, enabling them to build better digital experiences. The company serves tens of thousands of engaged customers and is the most widely used observability platform in the world. Founded in 2008, New Relic went public in 2014 and now has over 2,300 employees across the globe. The company recently announced a net zero 2030 goal and publicly committed to set a near-term Science-Based Target.
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New Relic partnered with Watershed, a platform that provided the company with a view into its footprint data, allowing it to understand and investigate its emissions all year long. This approach was more appealing than hiring consultants each year for long and intense measurements. Watershed made measuring New Relic's footprint as easy as promised. Despite the pandemic making it challenging to make assumptions about what a 'normal' baseline would be, Watershed enabled New Relic to retroactively benchmark three years of emissions data. This allowed the company to understand historical changes as it reported emissions data for the first time. With years of footprint data on hand and guidance from Watershed’s team of experts, New Relic was prepared to create a longer-term strategy.
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The partnership with Watershed has enabled New Relic to create a longer-term strategy based on real data. The company's C-suite can use Watershed to ensure the company is driving towards real climate impact. The accurate baseline footprint has helped New Relic focus its energy in places where it will count, such as prioritizing emissions from its supply chain. The company is now well-positioned to win more business as potential customers are increasingly asking for comprehensive information related to a company's footprint and plan for reduction. New Relic's team is excited about the future and is eager to develop in-house expertise that it can use to spur climate action in other companies.
New Relic was able to retroactively benchmark three years of emissions data.
The company has set a net zero 2030 goal.
New Relic has publicly committed to set a near-term Science-Based Target.
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