ProcessMaker Case Studies National University in Medellin, Colombia Automates HR Processes with ProcessMaker
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National University in Medellin, Colombia Automates HR Processes with ProcessMaker

Application Infrastructure & Middleware - Data Exchange & Integration
Human Resources
Regulatory Compliance Monitoring
Remote Collaboration
System Integration
The Human Resources division of Colombia’s National University was struggling with managing a high volume of requests related to human resources. They were handling approximately 20 requests per day, including employment certificates, absence requests, management reports, and processes related to the hiring and onboarding of new staff. The division was using printed documents and controlled them with Word documents and Spreadsheets, which led to loss of control over the requests, time wastage in searching for physical documents, and dissatisfaction among their clients due to slow response times. The division also faced challenges with security and integrity of information due to the number of participants involved in the process and the method of storage of the spreadsheets.
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The National University of Colombia is a leading institution in higher education in Colombia. It has 8 branches, more than 45,000 students, and a significant staff of professors and administrative employees. The university has a Human Resources division which is responsible for managing everything related to human resources for the university. This includes teachers and staff. The division receives approximately 20 requests per day of different types such as employment certificates, absence requests, management reports, and processes related to the hiring and onboarding of new staff.
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In 2009, the university initiated a project with Landsoft, S.A. in Medellin, Colombia with the objective of improving the HR processes in the university. After analyzing the processes of the 5 areas, it was decided that the university would begin by applying ProcessMaker to the processes of Request management, New Employee Hiring, and New Employee Onboarding. The processes were also integrated with KnowledgeTree® to provide more advanced storage and version control of the documents that would be uploaded and generated during the workflow processes. The Request Process allowed both internal staff and university departments and external entities to generate requests through ProcessMaker for such needs as vacation requests, employment certificates, sick day requests, absence requests, disciplinary processes and others. The New Employee Hiring and Onboarding Process for Admin Staff allowed the HR department to automate the process of hiring step by step from the time a vacancy is announced internally up until the new employee signs his/her contract and is officially on boarded at the university.
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Increased Control of the processes due to the fact that at all times all actors know the status of a request and who is assigned to attend to it.
Increased Security and Integrity of the Information due to the fact that all users have separate and secure logins, and the system keeps a detailed log of all actions taken by each user in each case.
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