Agworld Case Studies More Profitable Decisions Through Communication
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More Profitable Decisions Through Communication

Platform as a Service (PaaS) - Data Management Platforms
Business Operation
Farm Monitoring & Precision Farming
Predictive Maintenance
Data Science Services
K•Coe Isom’s AgKnowledge team was looking to improve their service offerings to their grower clients by moving towards a more dynamic way of communication. They wanted to create improved metrics on a more detailed level for their growers to empower them to make more profitable decisions. The team was using spreadsheets for their farm planning, which did not allow for two-way dynamic communication. They realized that the time of using spreadsheets for everything was rapidly coming to an end and they needed to find a better and more sophisticated farm planning solution.
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K•Coe Isom is a financial services and consultancy provider with roots dating back to 1932. They service clients in the agricultural production, manufacturing and distribution industries. With 21 offices in the Western, Mid-West and Deep South of the United States, their footprint is a clear testimony of their agricultural client base. One of K•Coe Isom’s services specifically geared towards growers is called AgKnowledge, which is led by industry veteran Alan Grafton. The AgKnowledge team specializes in providing growers anywhere in the US with CFO-level counsel and financial and accounting support of all levels.
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AgKnowledge Director Alan Grafton decided to partner with Agworld and implement its platform within their own organization as well as their clients’. The Agworld platform allows for dynamic communication and collaboration between the AgKnowledge team and their growers. Information can flow more freely between stakeholders, leading to better and more accurate information on a more detailed (field) level. The AgKnowledge team is now able to provide better services and more accurate information to many of their growers, which allows these growers to make better and more profitable decisions.
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Transition away from using static PDF’s and spreadsheets as a way of communicating.
Collaboration with many growers in the Agworld platform.
More accurate information on a more detailed (field) level.
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