IBM Case Studies Montgomery County Juvenile Court: Improving Efficiency and Outcomes with IBM Watson Health Solution
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Montgomery County Juvenile Court: Improving Efficiency and Outcomes with IBM Watson Health Solution

Analytics & Modeling - Real Time Analytics
Security & Public Safety
Human Resources
Real-Time Location System (RTLS)
Remote Collaboration
Data Science Services
Montgomery County Juvenile Court judges have less than 10 minutes per child to review information from many parties and make potentially life-changing decisions. They must have efficient, comprehensive data flow. Gathering all of the requisite information can be difficult, particularly because things change quickly. It’s realistic to say that for 50 percent of the cases, something happens between the time when the clerks put together files and when court begins. This could result in wasting precious time discussing a recent update.
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Located in Dayton, Ohio, the Juvenile Court is a division of the Montgomery County, Ohio Court of Common Pleas. In addition to two judges and nine magistrates, the court employs bailiffs, court reporters, judicial technicians and a large administrative staff. The court also oversees a probation services department that supervises more than 750 youth each year. Judge Anthony Capizzi has served the Montgomery County Juvenile Court for more than 13 years. Among his many duties is overseeing the juvenile treatment court, a weekly specialty court session that seeks to aid juveniles who are addicted to drugs.
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The court uses the IBM® Watson® Care Manager solution to synthesize information in real time from families, probation officers (POs), educators, employers and more and provide it to judges in a straightforward dashboard format. Judges can use the dashboard to drill down for more information as needed. The new dashboard is limited to Capizzi’s juvenile treatment court, but the judge hopes to expand the program soon. One aspect that Capizzi and the IBM team are working on is allowing interested parties in the court to input information into the system.
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Helps staff members increase speed with which they can provide judges with pertinent, up-to-date information
Helps improve quality of information available to judges while on the bench
Supports better decisions with a growing set of historical precedents
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